22 - "Do you want to?"

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The boys finally arrive after half an hour more with a lot of wood piling them. Nina and I help them carry it and at the end we set it down next to the surf boards. Alec and Alex set up the fire place with a bunch of rocks surrounding a pile of dry wood.

The sun is beaming down on us and it got incredibly hot, even in the shade where we've all been sitting.

"I've placed the mattress you brought in our tent and set up the sleeping bags over it." I say to Sam when we walk to our tent, so he could check it out. "Why did you even bring a sleeping bag this big?" His sleeping bag is two sizes of mine, so two or three people could squeeze in it.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Maybe I'll want some cuddles." He smirks at me when he unzips the tent, so he could check it out. Let's just hope he didn't see me blushing. I've set our duffle back to the side while my sleeping bag is on the left and his huge one is on the right side of the big tent. "Nicely done, kitty." He pets my head and I roll my eyes at him.

"I doubt you'll want to cuddle in this heat in here." Inside is hot as if two hells rolled up into one. I sit criss cross on my sleeping bag. The mattress is actually pretty good, considering it's quite thin. I thought we'll be sleeping on the floor, until Sam mentioned during the drive he got this bad boy with him.

"Don't worry; it gets quite cold at night." He shuffles through his duffle bag, searching for something. He pulls out his black trunks and turns to me. "Now if you want to see me change, you can stay, I won't mind." He winks at me as I stare wide eyed at him.

I scrunch up my nose. "Don't be disgusting." I mutter and get out of our shared "bedroom" on all fours. I squeal when I feel a pinch on my butt on my way out. "Don't scare me, you idiot!" I kick blindly behind me with my foot, but I don't hit him. Sam just keeps laughing.

"So, you're saying I can pinch your butt if I don't scare you in the process?" I finally get out of the tent and glare back at him.

"Don't even think about doing this kind of stuff, because I will run and cuddle for the rest of this trip with one of the two boys in the tent next to us." That's Chace and Alec.

Nina's tent is quite far away from ours. We all kept our distance from the love birds. But we still didn't build tents too close to one another. We don't want to hear each other snore during the night.

"Should we hit that ocean?" Chace calls for us. He is already in only his swimming trunks, clearly ready for a swim.

"I'm in." I say once I walk to the others. "Plus, I think Sam is also. He's just changing." I point to our green tent behind my back.

"I'll go surfing." Alex says and goes to get one of the three boards.

"You said you'll teach me." Nina whines to Alex.

"I will. Come on." Nina quickly pulls off her clothes and is in her pink bikini. The love birds run to the water with the surf board.

"Alec and I will surf as well. The waves are great here." Chace says and goes to get the board. So does Alec.

The two boys go towards the water, leaving me alone and waiting for Sam to show. In the meantime, I take off my tank top and shorts, so now I am only wearing my classic black triangle bikini. My shoes are already off from before.

Sam finally unzips the tent and comes out in only his black trunks. I stare at his mesmerizing body in awe as he stretches. As soon as he catches my gaze, I look away, the heat already felt on my cheeks from embarrassment.

"Let's go, kitty." He pulls at my hand and we walk towards the ocean where the others are already goofing off in.

I laugh as I catch a glimpse of Alec falling off his board. As I step into the water, I don't get cold like usually. The water is actually pretty warm, considering it's the evening. We spent a lot of time getting ready and making sure we settle in okay.

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