19 - "You don't say, you potato head!"

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As I am standing in front of my locker, Nina is still not here like she usually is. She always comes to meet me at my locker before first class starts and we talk about our weekend and other things. But she still isn't here. It makes me wonder if she's at home, sick. I'll see that in a minute, since the bell rang and I walk towards the classroom.

I spot Nina is her usual seat and I sit beside her like I always do. "Hey, why didn't you come meet me like you always do?"

She is silent. Her head turns to the front of the class with a poker face. That's odd. She's mad at me. Did I do something to her I should know about? I surely didn't do anything to upset her. We were fine the last time we spoke and we didn't talk since. That was on Friday, I think. But it's Monday now and I haven't seen her the whole weekend.

"Nina?" I call her name questioningly. "Why won't you talk to me? What did I do?" Nothing, she says nothing.

I turn towards the teacher as he starts the lecture and the whole class gets quiet. My mind isn't on the book the teacher is discussing with us, but on Nina. The whole time I haven't been listening to the teacher, but to my confused thoughts.

She completely ignored me when I tried to speak to her. Something is definitely wrong, but what? I haven't done anything.

Wait! What if she knows about Chrissy? I haven't told her about it and maybe she's upset about that I haven't told her. This must be it.

I tear up a piece of paper from the back of my notebook and decide to write a message to her.

I know why you're mad. I am sorry I haven't told you about it before. I was scared how you'd react and I get it now that I should've come clean as soon as it happened.

I throw her the crumbled up piece of paper, which lands right in front of her. She stops whatever it is she's writing and reads over my messily scribbled apology. To my luck she starts writing a response and throws the paper back to me. I unfold it and start to read.

I hate you so much and don't even try to apologize, because I will never forgive you for it.

My jaw drops at her harsh words. She's never been so mad at me before. Not even when I ruined her favorite shirt. And that was bad. She didn't talk to me for a whole week at the time.

The bell rings and Nina is out of her seat before the teacher stops talking. I rush after her as quickly as I can. I run after her, dodging the many students in my way.

"Nina! Wait!" I grab her wrist and she stops walking.

"What do you want?" She snaps at me as soon as her eyes meet mine.

"I don't get why you're so mad at me. I know I should've told you about the whole thing as soon as it happened, but I really don't think it's that big a deal."

"Are you fucking serious?!" A few students turn their heads at my best friend's hard words. "It's a huge deal, Nicky. You don't just accidently kiss someone who you don't intend to in the first place!"

"But –" That's when it clicks. She isn't talking about my mother. "Wait what?!" I scream out to her. "What kiss?"

"Don't play dumb, you bitch."

"I seriously have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't kissed anyone in over a year and you know that." Embarrassing. But true.

"Stop pretending, Nicky. You hurt me enough and don't ever talk to me again. I hate you." The words sink in instantly and I take a sudden step back like I just got stabbed in the chest. Nina turns on her heel and quickly walks away from me.

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