18 - "She has a family."

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This is it. I have my phone in one hand and the card with my mom's phone number in the other. I am so nervous I can't even describe it. This is the first time in my life I've been this nervous.

I let out a deep breath and type in the phone number. Debating, if I should press that green button on my phone screen. Eventually, I do. I put the phone to my ear and wait.

Sam must've sensed my nerves, because he grabs my other hand and squeezes it tightly. I smile at him as if thanking him for being here. We're both sitting on his bed, our backs against the wall. It's so weird to have my hand in his – but I am not complaining. I like it, because it relaxes me.

The ringing goes on forever before the woman's voice is heard. "Hello?"

"Hi, it's me – Nicky." My voice breaks from the nerves in the middle.

"Hello Nicole!" She sounds excited to hear from me. "How've you been?"

"Fine ... um, I want to meet up." I mutter quickly, not wasting time in telling her the point of this whole phone call.

"That is amazing." She beams through the phone. "When and where?"

"Um ... today?"

"That's fantastic."

"There is this café opposite my school," I mumble on, biting my bottom lip. "Could we meet there in an hour?"

"Of course, I am free."

"Okay ... goodbye then." I hear the excitement in her voice as she says bye as well before I hang up.

I sigh and close my eyes as the nerves disappear. I actually did it. But I still have to meet up with the woman in an hour. That's going to be even tougher. I want Sam to come with and just be there for support, but I know I have to do this alone.

"You better get ready." Sam says after a while.

I nod and lean my head on his shoulder. "I am so nervous." I whine. "And I haven't told anyone but you about this. If Nan finds out ... she's going to flip."

"Do you want me to come with you?" I shake my head as I stand up from the bed.

"I want you there, but I have to do this alone." Sam nods in agreement and I begin to climb out of Sam's room and into mine. I still don't know how I've managed to not fall.

"I'll call you after, okay?" I say to Sam when I am in my room.

"Good luck, kitty." I nod and close the curtains, so I can dress in something more presentable.

Eventually, I am standing in front of the mirror in jeans, a classic white baseball tee with red sleeves and black Converse. I stick my phone and a few dollar bills in my pocket and head out of the room, tying my long brown hair up in a messy bun in the process.

 I stick my phone and a few dollar bills in my pocket and head out of the room, tying my long brown hair up in a messy bun in the process

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"Where are you going?" Nan's voice stops me just as I was about to open the front door.

"Um ... I am meeting Nina. We're just going to go see a movie." I just hope I am a good liar, because I hate lying to Nan. I always tell her the truth.

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