Laughter (5 prompts in 1)

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An essential part of any relationship is he ability to laugh together during anything. I challenge you to write a smut one shot, but where something goes wrong, and your otp laughs together.

I used names for the recommended ships, but by no means do you have to stick to them.

Example: Simon and Vik are making out against a kitchen counter, and things get heated. Simon tries to bend Vik over the counter, but doesn't account for his height. Both start laughing as they realise that Vik's feet are dangling in air.

Example: Preston has been planning to try something new with Lachlan. He makes a giant bowl of icing, and the next day, seduces Lachlan. He reaches for the icing for some sweet action, but it's missing. Turning back to Lachlan, Preston's boyfriend is blushing madly, and says under his breath "I ate it all"

Example: Tobi is really really ticklish. Josh is kissing all over his body, and accidentally brushes his most ticklish spot.

Example: JJ tries to sneak up behind Simon in the kitchen and kiss him while he's cooking, but Simon gets a little too surprised, causing him to jolt around and accidentally either crack an egg against JJ's face or hit him with a pie. (Or something along those lines)

Example: while making out, Josh leans his forehead against Vik's, only for a lock of Vik's messy hair to get caught in his ear piercing. Thus ensues awkwardly attempting to untangle them without ripping out Josh's ear or Vik's hair.

Bonus: if after the laughter, the characters continue where they left off.

If you're not planning on doing any of these, let me know in the comments anyway which one you think sounds the funniest or the fluffiest!

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