
189 14 3

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Vik hasn't gone on any of the Sidemen trips to Vegas. This prompt is a kind of obscure concept based on that.

When Vik first became old enough to make decisions for himself, and do what he wanted all the time, he thought it would be an awesome time to head over to Vegas for a weekend with a couple of non-YouTube friends.

While there, he got really drunk, and did something crazy in a club. Maybe he hopped up on stage and sang a whole concert, or maybe he somehow managed to do a magnificent pole dance, but whatever it is, it was something awesome, that he hardly remembers, but no one at the bar could forget. Somehow, his legacy spread through Vegas, and now Vik is scared to go back because everyone will ask him to do it again.

The sidemen finally convince him to come with them on their annual Vegas trip, and, lo and behold, the moment they enter he club, everything goes silent, and cheering erupts, people crowding around Vik and asking him to dance or sing or whatever he did previously.

Meanwhile the rest of the Sidemen are really confused. How does Vik react? Does he accept the offer? Ask one of the others to join him?

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