Internet Friends

199 9 4

(Once again feel free to change the pairing as you will)

Simon and Harry have been internet friends for around a year now, and they talk almost constantly. One day, Harry's mom has had enough of him spending all his time online, so she takes his computer. 

Suddenly curious about what he's been doing, she opens up the laptop, and the screen shows Harry's Skype conversation with Simon. She hesitantly messages this unknown boy, asking him who he is (perhaps rather rudely).

Or, alternately, since she's been having a lot of petty arguments with Harry, she asks Simon if her son's been rude in any way, or has been bullying him. 

Simon is scared that Harry's mom won't give back the computer, so he types out an essay length   response, saying everything that makes Harry amazing, everything he loves about him. 

How does Harry's mom respond? Does she start up a conversation with Simon? Even better, does she plan a surprise secret trip for Harry to meet his internet best friend? 

This can be a platonic oneshot or a romantic oneshot, or a platonic turning into romantic oneshot, with an unexpected kiss at the end :D 

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