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(Characters are interchangeable. Batteries not included.)

Josh spends nearly every minute in math class staring at Tobi, the boy who sits diagonally back from him.

Tobi sits in between two of his friends, and one day at nearly the end of class, they start having the most annoying debate about politics or feminism or something. Not knowing how to escape being in the middle of it, Tobi looks around and notices Josh staring at him (Perhaps he's always known that Josh stares at him, or maybe this is the first time he notices.). Sarcastically looking at Josh, he mouths "help me."

Josh's eyes widen, but he grins and stands up, wandering over to Tobi and asking him something or other to get him out of the conversation.

What does Josh ask? Is it just a simple "can you help me with question 3?" Or is it "hey wanna get outta here with me?" Or does he even just grab Tobi's arm and run?

What happens afterwards?

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