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ItsMeLuxy this is for you 😘

Vik adores Ethan's laugh. Sometimes, he will purposely do something stupid, like fall over while they're playing football, or make a terrible pun, just to make the other laugh. When Ethan breaks into laughter and his eyes shut, Vik instantly stops what he's doing and just half-smiles at him in delight.

Bonus: everyone knows but Ethan still hasn't caught on.

Extension: What if Vik believes that Ethan doesn't care about him, but he still loves hearing the other laugh. Because of this, he starts to do more and more self-destructive things in order to catch some giggles. Maybe he "accidentally" falls down the stairs, or smacks into the goalpost while running on a football field.

It works at first, and Vik is pretty much no worse for wear, and he gets to listen to those pretty giggles, but he gets more and more dangerous, and one day, he actually hurts himself badly. Ethan runs over to him, and Vik, before he passes out, says something like "why aren't you laughing?" And Behz has to explain that he loves Vik and would never want to see him get hurt.

Bonus: If Vik hears Ethan cry for the first time, and decides he wants to be the one to make sure he never has to cry again. Because as much as Vik loves when Ethan laughs, he hates when he cries.

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