
162 14 1

Idk if this is a good prompt but I just thought it was really funny XD

Simon gets sent to jail and the day he arrives, all the other inmates shudder and whisper to him "watch out for Jide, he runs things around here"

Simon is freaking out, all his jokes about dropping the soap could be coming to fruition. He manages to avoid this "Jide" character for the first few days, but then, in the shower, he makes the worst mistake of his life. He drops the soap. His eyes widen and he looks left and right, trying to make sure no one is around before he leans down to pick it up.

A hand presses down on his back. Simon jolts around to see a buff black man, who can only be Jide, standing behind him, smirking. The man leans close to Simon's ear, and asks consent.

Simon's eyebrows furrow. "What?" He asks, baffled. "Is this a joke? Are you trying to trick me?"

Jide straightens up, confused.

"What do you mean?" He asks "what did you expect me to do? Rape you?"

He laughs, and Simon's eyes widen.

"Well... yes?" He says. Jide laughs again.

"That's not how we run things here."

"Oh..." suddenly Simon realised that the inmates from earlier hadn't been shuddering from fear, they were shuddering from desire.

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