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"Wake up" a voice screams in my ear.

I jolt up and fall off the bed. I scowl as five voices roar in laughter.

I glare as the idiot that yelled in my ear walks back to my brothers and they all high five him.

"Good one Zach" his twin Jayden chokes out mid laugh.

I glare at all five of them. Mason the youngest who is fifteen, Cameron my age mate, sixteen, the twins, Zach and Jayden who are Seventeen and the oldest Chase, nineteen.

"Ha ha real funny guys" I say dryly. "Aww don't be mad little sis" Mason says.

I glare at him, "am older than you!" That sends them into fits of laughter all over again. I close my eyes as I try to breathe through my nose. "Get. Out" I tell them.

They burst out laughing all over again and I growl. "Woah Dylan, you aren't turning into a bitch are you". I hear Zach say.

My eyes fly open but before I can say anything, my eyes land on the clock on my nightstand. " 5 freaking am!" I scream.

That just sends them into another fit of laughter.

I swear I'm living with hyenas.

"Why on earth would you five butt cracks wake me up at 5 am on a Sunday?" I ask trying to keep calm. After all, that's what you do when dealing with animals.

I wait patiently for them to shut the hell up and then Chase the supposed oldest speaks "Roman has a job for you" he says.

I raise an eyebrow "me?" He shrugs "us actually, but we're behind the scenes and you're the drama. I roll my eyes and stand up from my very comfortable spot on the floor thanks to five idiots.

"okay, gimme five minutes " Chase nods and turns to the guys, "come on fellow soldiers, let's go find other people to annoy".

I snort, good luck with that. We live in a secluded area, cause living with neighbours would just raise tons of suspicion due to our late coming and going and the sound of people when they are been interrogated.

My life can be summarised in one word. Spy.

My grandparents were spies, my parents were spies. I'm a spy. The Coopers have been my family since I was literally in the cradle. You see, the six of us aren't actually related by blood (well except Zach and Jaden obviously) we are all orphans.

My parents were the best spies in the business. Which means they had a lot of enemies. When my mom was about to have me, my dad was sent on a mission in Venice. My mom had always been his back up, his partner and without her, things went down hill and he was killed.

Quite brutally might I add. My oblivious mother was still basking in the glow of a newborn and waiting for her husband to come home so they could name me (I assure you Dylan is not the name my mother would have picked for me).

Anyways, the crack head that killed my dad decided to go for a double or nothing. He hunted my mom down and attacked her in her fragile state. My over protective spy parents of course had a panic room, she placed me there, and tied her locket round my neck.

Till this day, I'll never understand why she didn't just stay in there with me, instead she went out to fight and was killed in her own home, her one week old daughter wailing in the panic room.

When the agency came over to get her body, they found me, red in the face and half starved to death. Roman took me in with his four boys with stories similar to mine (Mason wasn't born then) With no clue about girls, three year old Chase suggested they name me Dylan, after one of the actors in his favourite show.

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