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I groan as I stare up at the ceiling, the hot water bottle lying uselessly on my stomach.

I'm having cramps again.

I close my eyes and try to focus on anything but the pain spreading across my lower abdomen and back.

Channing Tatum, fries, ice cream, knives, killing whoever it is that's knocking on my door.

"Don't you know that you're not supposed to be near me when I'm like this? Or are you looking to be gutted?" I yell at the door.

I close my eyes afterwards. The door creaks open and someone walks in. "The world better be ending or its a ghost cause if it isn't, you're about to be a ghost"

"I'm scared"

My eyes fly open to take in Ethan leaning on my door.

I groan and close my eyes again, "hey"

"Hey" I hear him say. "You okay?" This time he's closer to me.

I open my eyes to see at he's at my desk just by my bed.

I turn to face him, not caring that I'm only in a sports bra and shorts. He's dressed in sweatpants and a dark blue T-shirt. Blue really does him justice.

"No I am not okay"

"Cramps?" he asks.

I frown at him "why do you guys always think it's cramps I could be having a headache or a regular good old stomach ache, I could choose to be moody and intolerable it doesn't always have to be cramps, that's so annoying and stereotypical"

He raises an eyebrow, the right side of his lip lifting up slightly.

I sigh and close my eyes then turn around so I'm backing him. "Yes smartass, I have cramps" I mutter.

There's silence and some shuffling and the next thing I know, a pair of warm hands is on the bare skin of my waist.

Quick as lightening, before I can even think, my body turns and my leg lifts to kick Ethan on his shoulder.

I sit up and glare at him while he nurses his shoulder in pain. "What the hell?" I ask angrily.

He shakes his head "my question too"

"You touch me without my permission, you get maimed" I explain simply.

He groans "noted"

I groan too as another painful pang hits me.

"I was going to help" he comments.


"My sister gets really bad cramps and the massage always helps" he explains.

I blink, "sorry"

He sighs still massaging his shoulder, "its fine, your self defense skills are impeccable"


I smile guiltily, "thanks" I wince and flop back unto the bed.

"Permission to touch your body" Ethan asks formally.

I chuckle, "yes kind sir you may. Any funny business and you won't feel your shoulder anymore. You won't feel anything."

He chuckles as I turn to face the wall again.

This time, I try not to flinch when his hands touch my waist and I force myself to ignore the heat his hands have spread through my body.

He positions both thumbs at the base of my back, right were my back dimples are his other four fingers spread across my abdomen and he starts to move them in a particular pattern.

The Heir's Little BadassTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon