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An: above is a picture of Dylan's locket.


I turn around and struggle to hold in my laughter.

"Hey Ethan" I say through tight lips still holding the laughter in.

He rolls his eyes, "just do it"

And instantly the dam breaks and I'm laughing hysterically. Like bending over, knee slapping, unable to breath, demented seal laughter.

He just stands there, his eyebrow raised and arms folded waiting for me to finish.

When I do, I stand straight and wipe tears from my eyes, "Black?"

"Yes Cooper?"

"Why do you have a pool in your house if you can't swim?"

He runs his hands through jet black hair and I find myself following the movement, "my sister and mum and dad love swimming I'm the only one that can't" he says.

I chuckle, "then how did you even fall into the pool?"

I internally 'aww' when his cheeks tinge pink. "Someone spiked my drink and I thought it'd be funny to skinny dip but I tripped and fell head first instead" he narrates.

"Wow" is all I say.

If you were with me I doubt anyone will have spiked your drink.

Why on earth did I just think that?

He sighs, "I know, luckily someone saved me in time"

Instantly, flashbacks come flooding through my brain. Especially the kiss.

My cheeks flood with red and I drop my gaze from his. "Um y-you don't know who it was?"

He shakes his head dejectedly, "no, she left before I could see her"

I raise an eyebrow, "uh how do you know it was a girl?"

He smiles softly, "we kissed. At least I think so, still not sure whether it was a dream or not"

My chest constricts, I should tell him right?

I don't want to, we kissed and I felt.... Something. If I tell him it was me, everything will be awkward and I can't have that. I prefer to forget about it, telling him won't ensure that.

"Earth to Dylan"

I blink away my daze and smile, "oh yeah, I should go i-what is that?!"

My eyes widen when I see the locket round his neck, my mothers locket.

He smiles "It belongs to the girl, it fell into the pool when she saved me, I'm hoping she'll see it on me and walk up to me" he says hopefully.

I gulp and don't know what else to say.

Thankfully, the bell rings and he waves at me before heading to his class. I stare at his retreating back and sigh.

I kissed Ethan Black and he has no idea it was me. What do I do now?

And how do I get rid of this funny feeling in my stomach?


"Dylan why am I not seeing any improvement?" Mrs Smith asks me after class.

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