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I land on my bed with an exaggerated groan, trying to ignore the intense pain shooting through me. Of all days!

There's a knock on the door and after I groan in reply, the door opens. I hear footsteps and the bed dips.

"Hey sis, feeling better?" Chase asks.

I groan, "what do you think?"

He chuckles softly and then gently shoves a hot water bottle under me. I sigh in relief, "thanks"

"No problem sis take care" then he leaves my room.

I sigh and close my eyes to get some sleep. As exhausted as I am I probably won't wake up till tomorrow morning.

I fall into a deep sleep. Hopefully I'll wake up in a hundred years.



"Hi" I don't look up from the chemistry textbook I'm struggling to understand, but the weird feeling I've been getting lately let's me know that the person standing above me is Ethan.

Plus, he smells like a mixture of fresh soap and mint. Its weird, I know but somehow does him justice.

Ethan takes a seat next to me but I still don't acknowledge his presence. That doesn't mean I don't notice him. On the contrary, I'm aware of everything he does.

He brings out his chemistry text book and opens to the page I'm on. The page I've been on for the past thirty minutes.

We have another half hour to go before study hall ends and all I've understood is properties of metal are... I've a hard time deciding if that's ductile or pnul1k3. You get the idea.

"Properties of metal are, ductility, electricity conduction" Ethan starts to read aloud.

I bite on my lips hard to hide my grateful smile and pretend to not listen.

The rest of the period, he reads aloud everything we are supposed to study for the test and I've never been more grateful, I probably won't have gotten past the first paragraph.

As we leave the library, Ethan walks by me. "I hope I didn't bother you too much with my reading aloud"

I shake my head, "Its fine, I wasn't too bothered"

He nods and I send him a grateful smile.

We stop by my locker and he leans against the one next to mine while I exchange my books, "so why weren't you in school yesterday?"

I cough, "uh I was um sick"

"And that's why you couldn't answer the phone?"

"I slept the whole day and dude twenty two? That's a little stalkerish"

He smirks, "I was gonna stop at four but knew that twenty two would piss you off bad"

I frown, "how are you so good at getting under my skin?

His smirk widens, "its a talent, Angel"

I blink, that nickname again? I keep my mouth shut though and don't call him out on it.

Shaking my head, I turn back to my locker but freeze when I hear a voice. A very annoying irritating voice.


My eyes are focused on my books in my locker but my entire attention is on the conversation.

Tammy: you didn't eat lunch with me yesterday

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