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Ethan. Freaking. Black.

Ethan. Freaking. Black.




I'm shocked out of my shock when Cam puts his arm round my shoulder, loudly announcing the arrival of the rest of the group.

"Ethan?" Jayden asks in confusion.

I told my brothers that I was going to ask Ethan to come with us and I also told them that he'd said he was busy.

It's a family betrayal.

Ethan looks like he wants the ground to open up and swallow him. I want to open the ground and throw him into it.

Phoebe finally notices the tension and asks, "Is something wrong?"

Not something, someone. You.

Ethan refuses to meet my eyes and somehow, that hurts more than everything else.

"I'm going to find a bathroom" I announce and leave the line before anyone can stop me or say anything else.

I find one quickly and against all my hygiene morals, I hold tight to the edge of the dirty sink, scowling at my reflection.

I try hard not to think. I don't want to even consider the fact that he lied to me, that he doesn't care, that he doesn't want to be with me and worse, that he chose Phoebe.

My phone starts ringing and I answer it after seeing its a sensible brother, "Yeah?"

"Come out, please" Chase begs.

"Are they gone?"

"Yeah, we ditched them so please come out, don't punch any mirrors"

I sigh, "where are you?"

"By the cotton candy stand"

"I'm coming"

I wash my hands and shoot one last glare at my reflection before leaving the bathroom.

I find the group by the cotton candy stand as promised and accept the cotton candy Sophie hands me.

Our eyes meet and I know if I say the word, Phoebe and Ethan would end up in the morgue by tomorrow.

I smile at her gratefully and zone out as everyone decides where we're going next.

We decide to split up into groups, Chase and Kendall, Zach and Dana, Jayden and Alexis, Cam and Sophie, Mason and Janelle, me and Mary.

Mary practically drags me around, playing several games, by the time she stops to take a break, my arms are filled with a stuffed bear, giraffe, unicorn, a pink beach ball and a furry key chain stuck to my forehead.

I spot Chase and Kendall, trying to dunk a clown and I leave Mary with them and collect the car keys.

I let out a sigh of relief when I finally deposit my load into the trunk and slam it shut.

I lean against the hood with my arms folded and my eyes closed, enjoying the peace and quiet of the parking lot.

I bring out my phone to call Chase and tell him to hold on to Mary, I'll be here a while, it feels good to be by myself.


Spoke too soon.

"Did you really follow me all the way here?" I ask without opening my eyes, I really don't want to see his face.

The Heir's Little BadassOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant