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An: Let's just ignore the fact that I'm a jerk for updating this late and I'll say MERRY CHRISTMASS!!!!! I wish you all a wonderful Christmas, I love y'all

"Two tickets to Thor: Ragnarok" a blonde guy with his arm around a pretty redhead asks.

I nod and proceed to print the tickets. I absolutely love superhero movies, especially Thor, I mean Chris Hemsworth kicking ass? Sign me up! I had hoped all week that this was the movie Ethan and I would see but now that's all down the drain.

I give them a tight smile, "enjoy the movie" my voice comes out deep and scratchy, thanks to the voice modification device on my neck.

Lemme get you up to speed.

If you saw me right now, you wouldn't recognize me at all.

I look like a twenty something year old guy with spiky orange hair, a unibrow the same colour, and yellowing buck teeth.
I'm wearing contacts so my brown eyes are currently green and I have a mole under my chin.

I look exactly like the guy knocked out in the storage closet.

Actually there are two guys knocked out in the storage closet.

The whole exchange was supposed to happen like this:

The buyers sent an agent to retrieve the files, he knocked out the original ticket guy and once we made sure he had contacted his people to let them know everything was okay, we knocked him out and replicated his stupid disguise.

I look repulsive and sound like a truck is constantly riding over my throat.

"Four tickets to Wonder struck please" a brunette asks me. She's busy texting, not caring to watch the three kids running around her. She's either a terrible older sister or a normal teenage baby sitter.

I hand her the four tickets and she walks away, "follow me rugrats" she yells behind her and the two boys and girl giggle and follow after her.

I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to the line in front of me.

After selling like  a million dozen tickets, the line is empty.

"Guys" I whisper into my earpiece, "where are they, I'm resisting the urge to rip out my stupid eyebrows"

"Hang on sis, its happening tonight" Jayden's voice comes through.

They better, I can't have bailed on Ethan for nothing.


My head snaps up and I freeze. Speak of the devil.

"Ethan?" I ask stupidly.

He raises an eyebrow at me, "and you know me how?"

My eyes widen. Shit! Way to go Dylan.

"Oh, uh. Of course I know you, you're the heir to the Black empire, everyone knows you" I cover up.

He clears his throat, looking uncomfortable, "uh okay?"

I nod, "so what movie would you like to see?" I've gotta say, I'm a bit disappointed that he decided to watch the movie without me but I can't really blame him.

He shakes his head,"uh no actually, I bought some tickets online and printed them but my plans have changed is there a way I can return the tickets and get a refund? "

My eyes widen, he bought the tickets in advance?

I clear my throat to cover for the moment of silence, "uh yeah, lemme check the system, can I have the tickets?"

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