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"This is freaking gold"

"Perfect blackmail material"

"Make sure you get the drool"

"Teach you to handcuff me to my own bed"

I open my eyes instantly alert at the sound of the voices.

Standing by the door are my five idiots all with their phones out.

"What are you five fart holes doing here" I ask groggily.

Zach smirks,"right now, gathering blackmail material, sister dearest"

I blink "what?"

They all point to my right and my head follows their fingers and a mixture of a gasp and squeak escapes my mouth.

Lying next to me asleep on my bed is Ethan. In between us is a wall of Chemistry textbooks and notes and I recall that we moved our studying to my bed where it was more comfortable and we must have fallen asleep again.

I close my eyes and breathe through my nose. "Get out. Please" I ask calmly.

"Okay sis but we're heading to school, get Ethan to take you and try not to be late for the test that caused all this" Cameron says nicely but the mischievous glint in his hazel eyes tell another story.

I shoot him a dark look and they all clamber out of my room, Zach sending me a smirk on the way.

I run a hand through my tangled hair with a sigh. I lay on my side, propping my head up with one hand so that I can stare creepily at the boy asleep in front of me.

I can't get over how beautiful Ethan Black is, period.

"I'd ask you to take a picture but then I kinda like this better"

I jolt back to reality when his mouth moves with a smirk.

I roll my eyes and sit up, "you're stupid, shut up"

He opens his eyes and sits up too, "am I?"

I scowl at him, "yes, now shut up"

He chuckles, "yes ma'am"

I sigh, "there's no point rushing since we're already late, so you can freshen up in my bathroom, there's an extra toothbrush in the cupboard overhead. I'll look for something for you to wear" I tell him, not meeting his eyes.

I just know he's smirking when he speaks, "yeah thanks, we should do this more often"

"Shut up" I mumble before leaving the room.

I head on to Chase's room and enter without knocking. He's on his bed with his laptop. Chase is online college.

That way he can be a spy comfortably and still not be a bum.

"Dylan, what's the point of having clothes if you wear mine?" he asks without looking up.

I smirk as I look through his clothes, "they're not for me this time, brother dearest"

"How do I feel about a boy I don't know wearing my clothes?"

Selecting the clothes I need, I turn to him, "first of all, you know him, he comes over every other day. Secondly, they stop being your clothes the moment I touch them. Lastly, have a good day brother" I blow him a cherry kiss and skip out of his room.

Thankfully, Ethan has the decency to stay in the bathroom so I hand him the clothes through the door.

Afterwards, I freshen up and we head to school. The drive to school is uneventful, I keep reciting all we've read and keep my fingers crossed.

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