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My brothers are complete and utter idiots.

"Are you kidding me?" I growl into the phone.

"Nope, love ya sis bye" Mason sings and hangs up.

Seething I kick the locker next to me so hard it dents.

Rewind a few minutes.

"I'm really proud of you sis" Chase told me through the phone as we made our way to the car after school. I smiled, "thank you, I'm so happy"

He chuckled, "I can imagine, you guys are on your way home yeah?"


"Okay I'll see you"

"See you"

The second I hung up, just as I was about to climb into the car, Sophie's personalised ringtone '24K magic by Bruno Mars' started blaring.

"Hey Soph"

"Hey babes are you still in school?"


"Awesome! I had to leave early, could you help me get my Geography textbook from my locker? I have homework to do and I forgot it"

I sighed "okay"

"You're the best thanks!"

I told Jayden who was driving today to wait for me and I rushed back to school to get my bestie's textbook.

Once I got the textbook, I came back out. Guess what?

The stupid idiots were gone.

I called all four of them and only Mason picked up. Guess what he told me? "We're too far off, can't turn back, get someone to drop you off" little brat.


I send an angry voice note to all four of them

When I get home I swear all four of you are dead dead DEAD! No TV for a week, you will all eat veggie pizza for the next month. I'm confiscating Jayden's action figures, Zach's game console, Masons favourite chemistry set and Cameron's calligraphy pens. God help four of you if I don't get a ride home in the next ten minutes I will carve my initials into your fore heads with my favourite knife and you will wear it proudly. Oh and don't even think about talking to me when I get home cause if you do I will cut your tongue off and feed it to the schools guard dog, what do you think Cameron? I'm sure Bruce will love to ingest your tongue after knocking him out that one time you tried to sneak out. Ugh I am so mad rn if you didn't get that I am flipping out!!!

After I send it, I shove my phone back into my jacket pocket and punch the locker angrily.

Stupid boys making me beat up a locker.

I sigh and begin to think who will still be in school at this time. So far all I can think of are the football players who will still have practice till God knows when. Some cheerleaders might be around too but I make it my mission to steer clear of them, maybe some club members might actually be around but I really don't talk to people like that.

I need more friends.

Ugh, what am I going to do? My house is way too far to walk all the way.

Okay new plan, go round school and see if there's anybody who'll give you a ride, even if they don't like you they'll at least do it out of fear.

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