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Maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away, or he'll jump off a cliff, or get run over by a stampede of elephants, or get eaten by ants.

So many possibilities.

These are the thoughts running through my mind as the fifth paper aeroplane hits my neck. I grit my teeth and try my hardest to listen to Mrs Smith drawl on and on about the molecular theory of chemicals.

Or something like that.

Ugh, I can barely concentrate in chemistry and the asshat behind me isn't making things any easier.

I snap my pencil in rage when another paper airplane hits my neck. I turn to Ethan who is smirking mischievously, "throw another one at me and I swear its going down your throat" I threaten in anger.

He smiles innocently, "but angel that'll make me choke" "I know"

"Miss Cooper, Mr Black see me after the class" Mrs Smith says sternly.

I send one last glare at his smirking face as I turn round to try and pay attention to the rest of the class.

Once the bell goes, everyone else files out of class leaving me, Mrs Smith and the idiot.

"Miss Cooper, you are one of my struggling students and I don't appreciate the fact that you are letting yourself get distracted in my class" Mrs Smith says in a reprimanding tone. I grit my teeth and nod.

"And Mr Black, you are my best student, I don't appreciate you distracting someone in my class".

I snort under my breath, best student? Figures.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I was just trying to tell Dylan here that I'm willing to tutor her in chemistry since she's struggling" Ethan says innocently.

I choke on air at his statement, "w-what?"

"That's fantastic!" Mrs Smith says excitedly. I turn to her "no Mrs Smith you don't understand he-"

"That's perfect, maybe he can keep you from summer school" my eyes widen, "summer school?"

She nods, "if you don't pass this semester, you'll have to go to summer school"

I can't go to summer school, summer is when we usually go for our training, I have to pass chemistry this semester. Yeah, right and maybe after that I'll go bungee jumping with a shark

I turn to the idiot smirking at me mischievously. Then back to Mrs Smith. With a sigh, I nod.

"Perfect! You'll start as soon as possible, you have a test next week and I expect an improvement by then, now shoo, I have things to do"

I get up from my seat and make my way to my locker, hoping to goodness that he didn't follow me.

A girl can dream.

"What do you want?" I sigh

"I'm having a party on Friday and I want you to be there" he says.


"Why? No one ever passes up my parties"

I take my books for my next class and slam my locker shut,"well too bad, I hate parties and being in your presence so bye"

He grabs my arm stopping me "I'll pretend that didn't hurt my feelings and ask where you want to be tutored and when we should start"

I remove my arm from his grip, "my house, today".

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