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"Do you know how hard it is to get a guy to look at you and not be scared?" I growl as I kick one guy in his guts.

"Or to get someone to notice you as more than 'one of the guys'?" I scream as my fist connects with his nose.

One grabs me by my waist but my head falls backwards and he drops me, clutching his bleeding nose. I turn around and kick him in his face.

"He asked me out! He freaking asked me out and you guys ruined it!" I scream as I block a punch and dislocate the guy's shoulder.

The two guys are incapacitated and my eyes search the room for the guy I really want to maim. He's standing at the corner, watching his men fight a loosing battle with my brothers.

I storm towards him and stand in front of him, "I believe I ordered you with a side of ass whooping"

He growls lowly and charges at me. I duck his punch and land my fist into his stomach. He stumbles backwards and I fly kick him in the face.

I reach forward and grab his collar, pulling him so we're face to face. "Any other day" I hiss, "you could have chosen any other day to make your stupid exchange and yet you chose today, what kind of sick asshole are you?!"

I punctuate my furious rant by slamming him into the wall behind us.

I feel someone grab me and lift me off the ground away from leader rice brain.

I huff and lean my body backwards heavily causing both of us to land on the floor, his skull hits the floor hard and he passes out, at least I hope so. I quickly feel for his pulse and breathe a sigh of relief when he still has one.

I stand up and turn back to leader rice brain, "as I was sa-"

I am cut off when a heavy blow lands on the side of my face, I stagger backwards in surprise and my hand flies to my face as the pain spreads from my left eye to half of my face, it already hurts like a bitch.

"You punched me?" I ask incredulously.

No one and I mean, no one has ever punched my face before.

Rice brain smirks and retracts his fist for another blow.

My hand grabs his fist and I yank him towards me, bringing my knee up to ensure he never procreates.

He doubles over in pain and my knee once again comes up to slam into his nose.

He drops to the floor groaning and writhing in pain. I retract my leg and kick him in his side.

My brothers have already finished their business and are now watching the show.

I bend down and grab him by his collar, pulling him up.

"You were supposed to stand there like a good boy and let me beat you up" I hiss in his face before punching him twice as hard.

He staggers backwards and I crouch down, swing my leg out and kick his legs out from under him, causing him to land on the floor again.

"He doesn't even know I'm a spy, how am I going to explain the stupid bruise?!" I yell at him as he struggles to stand up.

I move to kick him in his gut but he grabs my leg and throws me backwards, I turn it into a back flip and land on my feet.

My brothers are legit cheering in the background.

With a running start, I tackle him to the floor, so I'm straddling him.

I begin to punch his face repeatedly.

"This is for my missed date" punch punch

"This is for the bruise" punch punch

The Heir's Little BadassDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora