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You can’t go to him, but you can make him come to you.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“To kill him. Move”

Jayden settles himself in the doorway, “you’re not going anywhere”

I glare up at him, “if I have to put you down Jay, then so be it. I’m going”

“You didn’t let him finish” Zach appears next to him, along with Cameron and Mason.

“You’re not going anywhere without your backup”

I look up at Jayden and his hard scowl melts away to a soft smile, “do you think we’re really going to let you have all the fun by yourself? He messed with our family and he’s going to get our family’s wrath”

“You’re not even fully healed” my voice is thick with emotion and Jay smiles, “lucky them”

Chase pokes his head through, “Come on, there’s an Andrea chick the Cooper’s need to pay a visit”


“Shhh” I crouch down till I’m eye level with the scared little girl, her big obsidian eyes sparkle with unshed tears as she grips her little brother’s hand tight and I slowly tuck my gun back into my waist band, “I’m not here to hurt you”

She gulps, “th-then what d-do you want?”

I sigh, “Your father is a very hard man to track down and a little birdie told me that the best way to find him was to make him come to us”

“You’re wasting your time”

I turn to look at the woman sitting rigidly on a couch that looks about two more people away from falling apart, “what?”

“He’s not going to come, not for us” her voice is dry, void of emotion, like she’s telling me the weather, not declaring that the father of her children would readily abandon them to the hands of a revengeful girl.

I push myself to my feet and slowly walk towards her, she doesn’t even flinch, “Then how can I make him come?”

She scoffs, “why would I tell you?”

I reach for her face and brush her dark bangs to the side, I suck in a breath, “I thought that’s what that was” she moves her face away from my hand, letting her bangs once again hide the purpling bruise.

I take a seat next to her on the couch and her spine stiffens, “Andrea killed my parents” I tell her, “He has killed countless people, children. He even hits you, his own wife” she winces at the last word and I press harder, “he owns millions in several currencies but he holed you and your kids in this barely standing dump” she bites her lip hard, “no offence, but you look like you’re starving, so do your children” one tear slips down her face, “you don’t love him, no one can love such a monster. Help me”

Her head drops and her entire body deflates, “my babies and I, you keep us safe”

“I promise”

She sighs and just like that, begins to sing like a canary.


“Caterina, ti ho detto di non chiamarmi mai. Che cazzo vuoi?”

“English, por favor”

“Who the fuck is this?”

“Tsk tsk tsk, Andrea, I thought after all our pleasant conversations, you’d be able to pick my voice out of a lineup”

There’s dead silence on the line and then, laughter.

“This should be fun”

“You don’t say”

“What do you want?”

I shrug, “You, of course, I’d hate for little Sofia and Luca to have to pay for their father’s crimes, you see unlike you, I’m unwilling to attack people’s loved ones just to get at them”

He scoffs, “if you think that threatens me, you’ve got another thing coming, do as you please sweetheart, breeding has never been an issue for me. Please start with Caterina, she’s turning out to be more trouble than she’s worth”

I have to pause to take an incredulous breath and blink back sudden angry tears, “I feel the need to tell you that you have a VIP spot specially prepared for you in hell”

He chuckles, “I better”

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose, “okay, in that case, I should let you know that I plan on burning down this disgusting excuse of a living space”

There’s silence on the line and I feel a smirk spread on my lips, “Problem, sweetheart?”

There’s heavy breathing on the other side of the line and then, “go ahead, kill them, b-burn the house, I don’t care, you can’t get to me”

I scoff, “you know, for someone in your business, you have no idea how to bluff, like at all. I have to say though, I admire an old soul. You can’t hack or track paper”

He clears his throat and I actually snort in laughter, “don’t worry though, I’ll only burn your greens, the folders and all the other headache inducing juicy documents will go to my lovely friends at the Agency. You’re finished, sweetheart”

“I swear, if you-”

“An hour” my voice is hard now, “come alone or with an army, I don’t care, if I don’t see you in the next sixty minutes, it all goes up in flames”

I hang up and gently hand Caterina back her phone.

I look up at my brothers and give them a small smile, “Now, we wait”


“Move and I’ll blow your brains out”

The smug bastard slowly raises both arms up, “I don’t think you will, something tells me before you kill me, you’ll make me suffer”

I tighten my grip on the gun, glaring at the bastard that orphaned me. Honestly? I’m disappointed.

I expected some tall mafia boss with all the air of a demon in human flesh, hell I’d have taken it if he had a pot belly. I was not however, expecting the stick thin anorexic looking man with the scraggly beard, yellowing teeth and absolutely no hair on his head.

I frown in disgust “I can’t believe how ugly you are, I’m so glad your kids look like their mother”

He snarls and I actually resist the urge to look away and gag. I gesture with the gun. “Sit”

He shakes his head, “I’d rather stand” I bite my lip and turn to one of the guys, “tie him up”

I watch as he puts up no fight and lets himself be tied up, “is this a new brother?” he asks, smirking, “Jay Jay have to be replaced?”

I grit my teeth, “my brothers aren’t getting anywhere near you, you’re done messing with my family”

He groans, “you just reduced the fun factor of all this by like fifty percent”


I flinch as the window next to me shatters and a mist starts spreading. I watch through hazy vision as he produces a gas mask from his pocket, puts it on and the men next to him collapse.

The expression on my face is enraged as he stands up proudly, before I fall unconscious though, one last thought flits through my mind.



You guysss😩

THLB is coming to an end and over the next 24 hours I'll be posting the last couple of chapters. I'm an emotional mess RN😭😭

Question: How do y'all think it'll play out?


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