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This last chapter is dedicated to mofogoo, brandybear2 and amasoa12. Thank you guys for following and loving this story so much, y'all are the real MVPs and this is for you.💕

PS: long-ass, sappy a/n at the end.


I’m a murderer.

Andrea was the scum of the earth and no one deserved to die more than him.

I’m a killer. I looked a man in the eye, saw the plea for his life, knew he had a family and I still pulled the trigger.

I’m a monster.

A knock pulls me out of my reverie. “Come in” my voice weakly calls out.

The door creaks open and Chase’s curly head pops in. I bite my lip and watch as he walks towards me slowly, like he’s approaching a cornered animal.

That’s what I am, a murdering animal.

He takes a seat next to me on the bed and there’s silence for the first few seconds.

“Dylan” he starts softly.

“Was he right?” I cut him off, “will I see him in my dreams for the rest of my life?”

Chase sighs and runs his hands through his hair.

“It’s different for everyone, sis. The first person I ever killed was an accident, you remember?”

I nod briefly. I wasn’t old enough to go on missions yet so my twelve year old self watched Chase and his first team go on their first mission. One of their teammates turned out to be a double agent and they were given orders to bring her in, she however was not keen on the idea so she and Chase ended up in combat. Needless to say, she accidentally impaled herself on her own knife. Chase wept every day for almost a year.

“I know you guys pretended like you didn’t know I cried myself to sleep everyday” I smile at him sadly and he scoots closer to put his arm around me and tug me to his chest.

“I saw her face everywhere for a very long time, I heard her voice, tormenting me, begging me to stop and it almost killed me”

I sniff and close my eyes, will that happen to me?

“Almost a year later, I killed again, this time intentionally and his face replaced hers and slowly the faces kept on piling up till they became a blur”

“Do you ever hate yourself?” I ask softly.

His grip on me tightens, “I did, all the time. Then I thought of it this way, for every person I killed, a lot more got to live. Andrea’s death means a lot of children get to be free and a lot more people get to live, can you see it that way?”

I sniff again, “he had children, a wife”

“A mistress” he corrects me, “that hated him so much she gave you everything you needed to bring him down.”

He adjusts and grips me by the shoulders turning me to face him, “You killed a man, you’ll probably kill more, but what you do? It isn’t evil, what we do isn’t evil. We all struggle with the guilt and the whole morality of it but in the end Dylan, we are the good guys. And I promise you, you’ll be alright”

I sniff and hug him as fat tears roll down my face, if my big brother says I’ll be alright, then I’ll be alright.


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