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I sprint out of the shop and run towards were the van was, "guys!, shit just hit the fan" I yell

"Where are you?!" Chase asks. "Running your way" I answer back as I run with all my might, I can hear the sound of feet pounding on the pavement, really close.

"We're on our way" that sentence is enough to keep me running. I'm fast, really fast but the person behind me must be related to Flash cause the footsteps are getting closer.

My heart soars when I see the van, driving towards me. It quickly plummets when a pair of warm hands wrap round my waist and pull me into a dark alley.

My scream is cut short by a hand on my mouth. I open my eyes to meet steel grey ones, staring at me intensely.

Ethan Black.

He smirks and removes his hand from my mouth, immediately he does that, my mouth opens, "I didn't steal anything, I swear I didn't, I was there for another thing, I can't tell you but I swear I didn't steal anything you have to believe me and not let them catch me cause I assure you I didn't steal anyth-"

The hand is back over my mouth. "Easy there Tiger, I know you didn't take anything, I was watching you"


He removes his hand again. That's when I realize the position we are in, my back is pressed up against the wall and his hard muscled body is pressed up against mine.


"Um, now that we've established that I'm not a thief, do you mind backing up?" I ask him.

His smirk widens and he takes a step back. He is still staring at me intensely.

"Umm, I'm gonna go now" I say awkwardly, my voice coming out as an unintentional whisper.

He assesses me from top to bottom with those steel grey eyes in a way that unnerves me, "Okay, I'll see you around"

Then he turns and walks away.


"Hurry up Cinderella, it'll soon be midnight and you'll never get to the ball!" I hear Mason yell.

I roll my eyes as I finish tying my ponytail, "shut it grumpy, I'm coming" I yell back.

I grab my backpack and head downstairs, "well aren't we looking especially pretty today, I wonder why"

I glance at my sweatshirt and jeans before shooting Zach a glare. I told them what happened yesterday and since then they won't shut up about Ethan.


We all pile into our black SUV, me,  Zach, Jaden, Cameron and Mason (Chase graduated last year)

I promptly plug in my earphones to drown out the sound of their contest about which girl is hotter than which.


We arrive at school and park in our usual spaces. The Coopers don't own Carmel high, but we are feared. I mean who really wants to mess with someone who once set the chemistry lab on fire (the twins), knocked out the schools guard dog with a punch (Cameron), deflated a punching bag with his fist (Mason) and knocked out the captain of the  male wrestling team (me).

So yeah, you don't mess with the Coopers.

I don't know why, but the boys always insist we walk into school together, said it made us cool.


We enter school together but I don't waste a second ditching them as soon as I can.

I walk to my locker and freeze. Staring at me on my locker door, spray painted in pink are the words Kleptomaniac.

I clench my fist as I stare at that word. That deranged son of a dirtbag.

I drop my bag on the floor and head in the direction of that asshole. He's by his locker, talking to his football buddies.

He doesn't even play football but he manages to have friends on the team. Come to think of it, he doesn't play any sport but yet he's practically a jock.

When I walk up, they keep quiet and stare at me in confusion.

"Ethan, a word?" I grit out through clenched teeth. He raises an eyebrow, "why?" I glare at him and turn to his friends still staring at me, " one? Two?" With that, they scurry away.


I turn back to him and he has the nerve to look amused, "what the hell is wrong with you?" I grit out.

"Excuse me?"

I growl, "you said yourself that you were watching me, I didn't steal anything so why the hell did you do that!?" I scream at him.

His eyes widened "woah woah, calm down, Angel"

I back him up against his locker and hold my elbow to his neck, " one, don't call me Angel, two never tell me to calm down, ever again and three why the hell would you spray paint the words kleptomaniac on my locker?"

Realisation washes over him at that last part, "Tammy" he sighs. "She was with me yesterday" I glare at him, "you better put your bitch under control or I'll do it for you"

Ethan smirks, he freaking smirks!

I push off him and go back to my locker, still fuming.

I stop when I see Tammy by my locker, admiring her handy work. I go to stand beside her. "Its pretty isn't it?"  I ask sarcastically.

"Yeah" she muses, "really hides the ugliness in the truth don't you think?"

Don't judge me for what I do next.

I open my locker, and bring out a can of blue spray paint out of the pack I bought for art class. I spray paint over the words till my locker is as good as new again, then I turn to Tammy.

"You've never crossed me before Sheffield, don't start now" then I spray paint her till she is covered in blue.

"Really hides the ugliness in you don't you think?" I mimick her.

She stares at me in shock not quite processing what just happened. The bell goes for first period, "you better get to class Tammy, I heard one of the smurfs was going to be there"

Then I walk away to my class. I smirk when her high pitched scream reverberates through the halls.

Like I said, you don't mess with the Coopers


Short ik. But its more of a filler.

Don't be a silent reader, votes and comments boost morale and help me feel good about my writing and know what I need to improve on so please guys give me feedback by voting and commenting.

Question: Thoughts on the book so far?


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