up and away

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The sound of whimpering is heard throughout an echoey room.

"Peaches, please wake up. I know when you do, you'll have a speedy recovery."Riley sniffles.

"Riley sweetie, it's time to go. It's almost midnight and you have school in the morning."Topanga rubs her back.

"I-i don't want to leave."Riley's voice cracks.

"I know honey."Topanga whispers. "Now say goodbye. She'll be okay. Josh is watching over her."

Starting to feel conscious Maya's heart races. 'Watching over me?' she thinks.

"Goodbye peaches. I'll visit tomorrow."Riley kisses her forehead and then exits with Topanga.

Maya starts to move her fingers little by little.

She forcefully tries to open her eyes but it won't work.

She feels stuck.

Minutes later the sound of what appears to be a door closes.

"It's all my fault."Josh whispers as he sits down next to her bed.

Maya could feel herself relax knowing that josh was okay.

He puts his hand over hers and traces it with his fingers.

Maya finally is able to open her eyes. She notices his busted lip and broken arm.

His eyes widen. "Maya, I'm so sorry. I should have payed more attention to the road."

Finding it difficult to talk, Maya just nods.

"When your able to get out of this place, I'm showing you off. I don't care what my brother thinks, okay?"

Maya's heart flutters from those words. That's all she's ever wanted to hear.

Suddenly Aaron comes to mind and she coughs.

"D-did Aaron c-come?"She stutters over her words.

Josh frowns. "Yeah a couple times actually. He gave Riley a get well card to bring to you whenever you were to wake up."

Maya could feel the guilt build up. "A-are y-you okay?"

Josh nods. "I'm glad that we both are alive. That crash was pretty rough."

"D-don't blame yourself."She whispers.

Josh puts his hand on her face and leans close. "May I?"

Maya's heart races fast. "Mhm."

He smiles and kisses her.

The only thing that was on her mind in that moment was if Josh was serious about her and not because he felt bad about the accident.

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