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Looking out through the bus window while the music is blasting through my headphones and I keep cursing myself for not getting better once because those once makes the sound awful... I'm pretty sure a potato would do a better job at playing music...

But then again I'm a student and all my money goes to... honestly I don't know they just seem to disappear and I don't know on what, probably chocolate.

I skip like 10 songs until one that I actually want to listen comes on shuffle, I don't know why I do that but I always put it on shuffle to later skip until the song I actually want to listen to comes on... I guess that's just a part of who I am.

After actually finding a song that I like I decide to check twitter because I haven't been able to look through it this morning because of how little time I had... and I guess you could say I'm a twitter addict but I would never actually admit it out loud.... But it's true.

I see that I have a few notifications and two new DMs, I do as I usually do and check my notifications first because honestly I am so freaking tired at getting excited about a few notifications only to find out that someone retweeted my retweet... like why would I want to know that?

When I have checked at all the people who don't give a fuck about me and only cares about the people I follow I decide to check my DMs.

One is an automatic DM in Spanish so I kind of feel bad for not answering or doing what they want me to do... but I do not understand Spanish so there is really nothing I can do about it... honestly sometimes it sucks that the whole world isn't speaking the same language.

The second DM makes me stop and just look at it for a while... a two letter word from Martin Garrix... the same two letter word that I have seen so many times and it haven't meant anything more than a simple greeting... but this... this is something else, this is the guy who mouthed this word to me at the Justin Bieber concert...

This is the dude whose eyes won't leave me alone not even in my sleep...


That's all it says... but honestly does it really need to say something else? Do I need to have more than that two letter word...

Honestly? I wish there was so much more to it... but those two letters is the only thing and it got me speechless... he actually wrote to me, does this mean that he actually felt the connection I felt? Does this mean that my mind isn't playing a trick on me?

Or am I still asleep and this is my imagination just playing a prank on me, am I awake... was I ever awake? Did Justin Bieber ever happen? What if everything is just a dream and I will wake up in the morning just looking around and realizing that I'm actually not 18 I'm my 14 year old self who have dreamt the last couple of years of my life....

Damn it here I go again over thinking things until it doesn't make no sense at all, why do I always do this? Every fucking time.

I decided before I have a freak out on the bus to just answer the same words back... and hope that it doesn't get lost in his DMs because he probably get a lot from all the people he follows... does he follows a lot of people?

I decide to click on his profile only to find out that he honestly doesn't follow that many people, I kind of feel honored that he wants to follow me and I know it's stupid but I can't help the smile that creeps up on my face...

So there I am at 7:30 in the morning smiling at an empty bus... maybe today my life will turn around... or it won't, I guess I'll just have to wait and see... after all the day only just begun.

I let the music be on way too loud while we're keep rolling down the road and honestly I might be tired and done with literally every single thing but the smile on my face doesn't leave my face.

I press the stop button when we get to my stop and then I'm out in the cold again, damn I hate this cold weather. I pull my jacket closer to my body and have my hands inside on the sleeves because it's like a biting cold wind trying to tear my body apart... like excuse you wind can you not?

The day passes in kind of a blur, I work and get like super hyper. Alex and I sing some Beyoncé in the kitchen... literally just two lines because that's the only thing from Beyoncé I know and I'm not ashamed of it.

So now here I am sitting outside in the surprisingly good weather drinking hot chocolate while watching out over the water with Alex. Alex is sitting and talking about how people met Justin in Stockholm today and I just listen a little, there is just something so calming about the waves from the little sea coming to the shore.

"Martin Garrix DMed me this morning." I suddenly say out and Alex stop right in his sentence about Justin Bieber. I look over at him and I believe that I have never seen Alex so shocked before. He's mess of a hair is falling in his eyes and he doesn't even bother fixing it.

"Who? Did what?" He asks even if I know that he knows exactly what I said. Alex is one of those people who is a little bit too famous horny.. Like he would probably do literally anything to meet famous people... it's scary sometimes.

But he's my best friend so I guess I can look past his bad sides because I like his good sides... no one is perfect so we will just have to accept that... and just accept each other's good and bad sides.

"What did he say?"


"Just Hi?"

"Just Hi." The smile from this morning comes back to my lips and I can't stop seeing those blue eyes in front of me... but honestly I'm scared to even letting myself believe a little bit that this will be something... because if I do and something doesn't happen I will end up sad, and I'm tired of being sad.

And if I get my hopes up and then get let down I will think of him differently... I kind of like just thinking of him as this dude on a concert I had a moment with, because then nothing could change the way I thought of him...

But now when we're talking... and actually being able to talk, things just change. I know it doesn't make sense but it scares me.

FAITH (Martin Garrix)✔️Where stories live. Discover now