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"Hurry up!" I scream to Alex who is running with his bag hanging from his shoulder and hitting his leg over and over. There is 4 minutes until the train to Stockholm leaves and we're so far away. We had to hurry to the train station from school and I'm pretty sure that if Alex doesn't hurry the fuck we won't make it in time.

"The train is already there!" Alex scream when we see the train station. My leg is hurting from where the side of my bag have been hitting me repeatedly.

We make it just in time.

"Holy shit." Alex breathe out when the train roll out from the station. I try to catch my breath but it's not really easy. My body wasn't designed to run... That's not who I am.

We find a seat and just sit down.

"I can't believe we're going to Amsterdam for the weekend... like this isn't things that happen to us!" Alex say and look at the forest that we're passing by.

"Tickets!" we show our tickets and then just lean back and waiting for our stop at Arlanda

The train ride is pretty calm, nothing really happens more than Alex finds this new band that he will be obsessed with for a couple of weeks until he finds something new. That's just a part of who he is but I'm fine with that.

"Okay are you ready?" I ask when they announce in the speakers that the next stop is Arlanda. I can't believe this is happening, I can't believe that I'm going to fly out to ADE with my best friend over the weekend... we're acting like it's not a big deal but truth to be told this is probably the most exciting thing that will happen to someone like me.

I take my bag and stand up together with Alex, when we make it out of the busy platform it really sink in that this is happening, we're going to Amsterdam.

"Come on." Alex say and pull my arm to make me walk with him to the right entrance so we can go. I decide to send Martin a text telling him I got to Arlanda safe and that I'll be on a plane in a couple of hours. I am feeling a little nervous because what if things doesn't feel like they did in Stockholm.

I think that is something everyone worry about when they have been apart for a while. Like what happens if things have changed? A lot can change in a couple of weeks...

For heaven's sake a lot of things can happen in one day. I have lost friends in less than 24 hours which is sad but true.

"Do you think we have time for Starbucks before we go on the plane?" Alex asks when we are inside of the airport and on our way to go through the scanning thingy. We don't have any other baggage than our bags that goes on the plane so the check in went really fast for us.

"I don't know, we will have to see how much time we got when we're on the right side of the airport" I say and take out my passport and show the worker.

Things goes really smoothly and we make it through without any trouble. I take my bag and look around at all the people running around walking to different places.

I wonder if they're going home or away from home? There is so many different people on an airport and everyone hurry to get somewhere.

"Okay so we're going to gate B14 so we're not that far away because here is B7" Alex say and point to the big signing that say B7.

To Martijn: Our plane leave at around 5pm so we will be Amsterdam around 7pm

He sends a replay really fast which make me smile.

From Martijn: If I can't be there to pick you up I'll send someone to meet you! Can't believe you're coming to Amsterdam!

I smile and send him a thumbs up and a heart as an answer.

"So what do you want? My treat!" Alex say and I want to argue with him but he won't let me only because Martin payed for our tickets to Amsterdam, and now he thinks that he needs to repay me like it wasn't me who payed!

"I would like a chai latte" I say and he orders one chai latte and one pumpkin spice latte.

"And the name for the chai latte is?"

"Hanna" I say and the girl write it down on the mug. I look through twitter while I'm waiting for my chai latte to be done.

"Hanna!" I take my chai latte and wait with Alex for his Pumpkin spice latte.


"Oh god this is heaven!" He moans out to me when he drinks from the cup and I can't help but smile at how adorable he is.

"Come one let's get to our plane fucker." I say and laugh a little at how he is trying to keep up with me when I walk to the gate.

"So he will pick us up there?" Alex say when I explain the text I got from Martin and I tell him once again that yes he will pick us up if he can, and if he can't he will send someone... like really hoe how hard can it be to understand?

"Flight 512 to Amsterdam is now ready to board." They say in the speakers so both me and Alex take out our boarding pass and passport.

"Have a nice flight" They say when they check it and let us board the plane.

"Let's do this" I say and Alex is smiling super big because this is the first time we're doing something this crazy together... But hopefully it's not the last time we'll do something like this.

We find out seats really fast because we're in the front of the plane. I sit on the seat at the window and I can't help but feel like this whole thing is unreal. Just a couple of months ago I sat in my room wondering if I would spend every single one of my weekends alone in my room watching Netflix.

My life have really turned to the better.

After all the safety information we're finally on our way, we're rolling out to get ready for takeoff.

I hate the feeling of rising in to the sky because it makes me feel really weird. I chew gum just so my ears won't feel all weird.

The plane ride is pretty calm, there is mostly business people on the plane so everyone is pretty quiet.

It doesn't take that long until we're going down for landing.

When the wheels hit the ground it really hits me that I'm not in Sweden anymore. I'm actually in Amsterdam to see Martin preform...

This is happening.

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