33 (the end)

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Putting one foot in front of the other sometimes can be the hardest thing to do. Walking forward when all you want to do is turn around and run backwards...

Nah honestly that's not really how I mean it but it would be a cool metaphor... really it's hard to put one foot in front of the other when you're so drunk that you don't even know your own name anymore.

Time passed and here I am an adult... okay adult enough... ish... okay I'm still a kid at heart but people call me an adult... I'm now 25... it's my birthday today.

I've been out with some friend at work and I honestly don't know where any of them went, I'm lost.

I'm currently in some part of Spain that I don't even know the name of anymore, I went here a few months back to get some work experience and I absolutely love it, the way the sun shines and hits my now tanned legs. I love the way the wind grabs on my now very sun kisses blonde hair. But mostly I love the way the feeling of actually matter.

I feel like I do something useful here, like when I put the food up on the plate that it will matter.

"Hi!" I say to the lady that I meet, she lives in my apartment complex and she always so sweet. She has the cutest little dog.

"Oh dear you're going to be a mess in the morning" she laughs out and I can't help but smile. Everything in my mind is a mess and kind of a blur, but still I feel like I see clearer than ever.

I don't know how I manage it but somehow I end up in my bed and actually managed to change in to pyjamas.

When I wake up the morning after I feel like shot my head is pounding and my body is killing me, I hate the feeling of being hungover.

27... he turned 27 yesterday... it's been years since I last heard from him but now and then he pops back up in to my head, I though I would forget the way his eyes shined when he smiled but I was wrong I still remember it... I remember it all too well.

I tried to move on because I figured that after a couple of months without any contact at all that everything we had was beyond saving, i saw him starting posting pictures with a new girl... I then realised I lost him, he's not mine anymore...

I take a deep breathe and walk over to my refrigerator only to realise it's empty.. damn it.

I get dressed in a flowery playsuit and then put on my white converse, I need to get something in my stomach before I die out of hunger.

I'm so happy it's my day off because I would not be able to work this hungover.

Putting sunglasses on just to now show the world how dead I actually am, if you saw me from a distance you wouldn't even know that I got so fucked up yesterday.

I feel that something is different when I walk in to coffee shop, it's something in the air that tells me that today is going to be different.

And then just like in any other romantic movie or book there he is by the cashier buying his coffee... Martin.

I don't say anything and he doesn't look my way, he just sit down by a table close to the window. My favourite table because you can see the busy world outside.

"A Carmel ice latte please, with one pump of vanilla if it's possible?" I always feel like a bother when I make an order but honestly it's the best freaking combination and I just love it... I always feel like the worst person when I order and the person behind the desk looks annoyed...

But the girl just smiles and tells me she will defiantly fix if for me, I like her. She's nice.

I pay and she goes to make my coffee, I look over at Martin sitting by the table looking out through the window... he's alone, it's so weird seeing him here, he looks like he belongs right there on the chair... like it was made for only him to sit on.

"Here you go" I thank the cashier and take my coffee, I take a small sip from the straw and damn it was definitely worth it.

I don't know what comes over me but it's like all those year just don't matter anymore.

"Hey is this seat taken?" I ask and pull my sunglasses up on my head so my eyes can meet his.

"H-Hanna? Hi!" He looks so shocked and I just give him a small smile because it feels so weird being here in Spain and meeting him.

"No it's not taken sit down" he say and smile.

I sit down and somehow it seems like the years don't matter to him either. We just sit there talking about everything and nothing... hours pass and my cup have been empty for hours. Martin still have a little coffee left in his cup but it's probably long passed being warm enough to drink as a hot beverage.

"You look amazing by the way!" He say and smile... he doesn't look like he aged much at all, I might even say he looks even more handsome now.

Something happened there in that small coffee shop in Spain, it was like someone just hit the play button again.

Our relationship have been on pause for years and I don't know if this is friendship or more but truth is that all that matter is now.

I know that whatever happens i need Martin one way or another in my life... so I'm guessing what I'm trying to say is no one knows what the future might hold for us but I'm sure we will find space in it for each other.

That day a new chapter of my life started... and I like to think of it as the second chapter of Martin.

The end

So I decided this would come to an end here... maybe sometime in the future I'll write a sequel or something but for now this is the end.

What did you think of the story?

Should I write another Martin Garrix story?

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