Chapter 5

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Gabriel leads Sam to his second class, talking the whole way there. Sam doesn't mind, though. Actually, he likes Gabriel. It's nice that his new friend is willing to walk him all the way across the building, especially knowing that Gabriel's next class is right next to their first block class. Finally, they reach the door to his next block, and Gabriel peeks in to see who's there. He waves to one boy on the front of the room, who looks up when he see the movement. He waves back to Gabriel, smiling.
"That's Samandriel," Gabriel tells Sam. "He's cool. You two should hang out."
Sam shrugs. As much as he likes Gabriel, he still isn't too keen on the whole social lifestyle yet. Gabriel walks Sam into the room, and Sam sits down next to Samandriel anyway. Gabriel kneels next to his brother's desk.
"Hey, kid," Gabriel greets him.
"Hey, Gabe. What are you doing here? This is a freshman class. I'm pretty sure you're not a freshman, unless you and Chuck have been lying to me for a while."
Gabriel chuckles. "No, I'm dropping this kid off." He gestures to Sam. "That's Sam. He's new to this school, so be nice to him. And if Lucifer comes in, hide him."
Samandriel laughs. "Will do."
Gabriel gives him a wave before leaving the two freshmen alone in the room. Well, not alone, because they're surrounded by other freshmen, but it feels like they're alone because no one else is sitting near them.
"Hi, Sam, nice to meet you. I'm Samandriel."
Sam gives him a small, forced smile. "Hi."
"I see you've met Gabriel."
Sam nods. "Yeah. He's cool."
Samandriel nods. "Yeah, the coolest. Have you met Lucifer, too? Is that where the Lucifer line came from?"
"Yeah, he came to our class to chat with Gabriel, then apparently left to see... Michael?"
Samandriel frowns. "Probably. It's definitely not Michael's favorite thing when Luci shows up in his classes, but he doesn't complain. Or at least not at home. I just hope he stayed away from Castiel. That kid... Well, actually, he wouldn't complain either because he doesn't complain, but he's hate it more than anyone in the entire school."
"Why?" Sam asks, glad Samandriel is fine with doing all the talking.
"Castiel likes to be the person no one realizes is in the class. It's hard to do that when the supposedly coolest kid in school is talking to you louder than the next two classes combined."
That surprises Sam a bit. Even Dean, who's known in many cities as the heartless dick, wouldn't do that to his younger brother. They tease each other a lot, but he can't imagine them not being best friends. Poor Castiel.
"Do you have any siblings?" Samandriel asks, changing the subject.
"Yeah, I have a brother named Dean."
"Does he go here?"
"Yeah, he's a senior."
"Maybe he'll meet some of my siblings."
Sam shrugs. It's very possible that Dean will meet Lucifer, seeing as they both tend to skip class, but other than that, the likelihood of him befriending someone that actually goes to class everyday is small.
"Maybe,"  Sam replies. It would be weird to be friends with the same people his brother is friends with, but it could be cool. Too bad Dean always hangs with the in crowd, because Sam has never been and never will be considered cool, and he's perfectly okay with that.
"Who do you think he'd be friends with the most?" Samandriel asks.
"Lucifer, for sure," Sam says. "They'd probably skip class together and steal food from the cafeteria or something."
"Trust me, they won't want to steal the school's food. It sucks."
Sam frowns. "But I didn't bring a lunch because I figured I would eat school food," he complains.
"Bad idea," Samandriel says. "We've got lunch after this. Wanna sit with me? I'll give you food."
Sam can't believe it. He's been to two classes, and he's already made multiple friends. If this is just the first day, he can't imagine how great this year is going to be.

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