Chapter 13

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It doesn't take long for Dean to figure out who cares and who doesn't. Almost immediately, a large percentage of the class gets out, and after a few minutes, it's down to Sam and a few other people on his team, and Dean, Gabriel and Lucifer on theirs. Charlie had gotten out, walking by Dean and Gabriel with a "sup, bitches!" before standing behind Dean with her arms crossed, waiting for the game to be over so she can join Sam again.
Dean's surprised at how well Sam is doing today. If Dean had wanted him out, he would have been, but since Dean is leaving him alone, he's still on the game. Unfortunately, his team is going down quickly. Dean feels bad for him. His team is clearly the worst of them all.
Suddenly, a ball flies at Sam. He catches it, and while he's looking at it, another one slams him in the face. Dean realizes it's the money ball, which is way harder than the others, almost immediately. He also knows it came from Lucifer, which means it was not thrown lightly, and it definitely wasn't an accident.
Sam falls to the floor, and instantly, Dean is by his side.
"Hey, new kid!" the gym teacher calls. "Get back!"
"It's my brother!" Dean calls back. "I'm not leaving him!" He looks down at Sam. "You okay?"
Sam sniffles. At first, Dean thinks he's crying, but then he realizes Sam has a bloody nose and he's trying to contain it. "No," Sam replies. "But I'll survive." He tries to make his voice sound strong, but Dean can tell that it's forced.
"What hurts?" Dean asks, assuming his role as doctor.
"My face," Sam answers as a sort of joke.
"No dip, Sherlock," Dean replies. "What part of your face?"
"My nose mostly," he says. "I have a huge headache, too."
Dean frowns. "Is your nose broken?" he asks worriedly.
"No," Sam says. "At least, I don't think so."
"Good," Dean replies. John didn't leave them enough money to get to the hospital, so that would be a bit of a problem if it was. "Concussion?" Dean asks, trying to cover the bases.
"Maybe," Sam says.
Dean groans. A concussion already? That means he can't do anything athletic or involving a lot of thinking for a while, which basically rules out school. Dean can't leave him alone with a concussion, either, so he'd have to stay home as well, not that that bothers him.
"Can you stand?" Dean asks.
With Dean's assistance, he stands up. He relies heavily on Dean to remain standing, and Dean notices all his weight is in one foot.
"What happened to your leg?" Dean asks.
"I twisted my ankle a bit when I fell," Sam replies dismissively. "No big deal."
Dean's frown deepens. "Alright, let's see if I can get you home." He'll have to go through the people in the office, but hopefully he can. It's not like John can come pick him up.
Gabriel and Charlie come over to them quickly when they think it's okay. They waited until Sam was standing, as if afraid they would be interrupting an important family moment or mess up Dean's evaluation of Sam's health if they came sooner.
"Are you okay?" Charlie asks Sam.
"You got a little something," Gabriel says, gesturing to the blood dripping from his nose.
"Really? Didn't notice," Sam says sarcastically, managing a grin for his friend.
"I'm going to try to get Sam home. We'll see how that works out," Dean tells them.
"What if he has a concussion?" Charlie asks. "Shouldn't you go to the doctor's?"
"No, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."
"If it helps, Chuck is a doctor," Gabriel says. "If you want to go see him. Free check up!"
Sam and Dean both give him a grateful smile.
"Thanks, Gabriel, but I'd rather not," Sam says with a glance at Lucifer.
"Oh, he's going to a party after school," Gabriel says. "It's some big thing for all the seniors." He looks at Dean, remembering he's also a senior. "I'm sure you would have gotten an invitation if you were here a week ago."
"I wouldn't have gone anyway," Dean says. "Not with Lucifer there."
"Want Chuck to check out Sam?" Gabriel asks, steering the conversation back to where it should have been.
"No, we're fine," Dean says. "But thanks."
"Okay, but I'm going to be bored, so can you two come?" Gabriel asks hopefully.
"Alright." Dean agrees finally. "What's your address?"
"I'll text it to Sam after school, because Chuck won't be back immediately."
Knowing Sam already has Gabriel's number, Dean just accepts and begins to tell the gym teacher he's taking his brother home.
"Text me later!" Charlie calls after them.
"Of course!" Dean replies. Sam grimaces at the volume. "Yeah, I'm beginning to think you have a concussion." They approach the gym teacher, who only then, after seeing Sam's bloodied face, seems to notice how much of a situation this is. "I'm taking my brother home."
"You can't do that," he replies. "You can take him to the nurse, but you can't bring him away from the school. It's not allowed. Your parents could take him from the nurse, though."
"Fine." Dean walks Sam to the door, and turns around before he goes to see Lucifer watching them with a smirk. "I'll get you for this," he growls. "Just wait."
Dean brings Sam out of the room, appearing to be bringing him to the nurse. Instead, he brings him to the main door and they go to the Impala together.
"This has been a really long day," Sam says, sitting shotgun next to his brother.
"Oh, yeah. Come on, let's get you home."

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