Chapter 10

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Why? Why did Dean have to invite Castiel to sit with them? He just wanted to be left alone. It's not that he doesn't like Dean. Actually, he likes Dean too much. Castiel doesn't get attached to people, and he prides himself on that. So why was it that as soon as he looked into Dean's perfect green eyes, he had to fall for him?
Castiel may be gay. Or bi, possibly. He has never told anyone, but he feels the same about guys as he does about girls. Like, he doesn't like either of them. That's why, when Castiel's heart started pounding as soon as he saw Dean sit next to him in class, he knew that something was up. He's never felt that before. It's like Dean awakened something inside Castiel he didn't realize there was to begin with.
Castiel tried to stop it. He tried to get Dean to hate him, so Castiel wouldn't have to deal with it. But Dean didn't stop. He just kept trying and trying until Castiel broke. Castiel had to talk, even if he didn't want to. Even though he didn't know how. With Dean, it just came naturally.
Then Dean found him at lunch and asked him to sit with them. Castiel didn't want to spend any more time with Dean, hoping it would all blow over fast, but when he saw Dean again and his heart started doing flips in his chest, he knew there was no stopping it. He has a crush on Dean Winchester.
Castiel didn't mind sitting with Charlie and Kevin. If anything, he felt better knowing that he didn't have to talk, because he knew Dean could talk to the others instead.
He felt like such an idiot when he pointed out Balthazar was missing. He didn't want to talk, and once he said one thing, they all decided they'd try to get him to say more. Charlie seemed overjoyed when she heard Castiel's voice, and Kevin seemed amazed, which was sort of weird. Castiel has never amazed anyone, especially not with something so normal as saying something. Dean just seemed glad, in a normal, almost a friendly way. Almost as if Castiel had a friend.
Castiel decided to duck out of the conversation immediately, not used to being included in things. He decided not to explain where Balthazar was, even though he knew from listening to Gabriel.
When lunch ends, he rushes out of the cafeteria before the other three can say anything to him. He can't do this. He can't be social. He can't make friends. Most of all, he can't hang out with Dean. He just can't.
He hurries to his next class, making it to that hallway in record time. He's about to enter his room when a familiar voice stops him.
"Heya, Cassie."
Castiel turns around slowly. Three times in one day. That's a bit much, even for Lucifer. What does he want?
"Hi?" Castiel squeaks. Why does he sound so weak? Oh, probably because he is.
"So, where's that little friend of yours?" Lucifer asks.
"Who?" Castiel asks, too nervous to think. Usually, when people are intimidated, it's by someone trying to scare them, but rarely is it by their own brother. Unfortunately, that's what Castiel has to deal with all the time.
"Don't play dumb with me, Castiel," Lucifer growls. When he uses Castiel's real name, he knows he's in trouble. With Lucifer is the only time he does want to be called by his nickname. "You have one friend. Literally one friend. What friend do you think I'm talking about?"
"Dean?" Castiel says, realizing what he means.
"Dean, is it?" So Lucifer didn't even know his name? Oops. "Where is he, Castiel?"
"I-I don't know," he stammers.
"He's your friend. You just saw him at lunch. Where is he going now?"
"I don't know!" Castiel insists. "I barely said anything to him at lunch. You know me, Lucifer. You know I'd rather be reading a book that talking to people. I chose to sit with Anna and them because I knew I could do that. I never wanted to talk to him, or anyone actually."
Lucifer examines him for a moment, looking for any signs of Castiel lying, but he doesn't find none. Sure, what Castiel said isn't completely true, but it was partially. He would rather not try to talk to anyone, and he did want to read his book instead. That part is true. The part he left out is that he actually did want to talk to Dean, but he doesn't know how in a group, so he didn't. Still, Lucifer doesn't notice his fib because he's naturally nervous around Lucifer, so lying wouldn't really change that.
"Looking for me?"
Castiel whips around to see Dean standing in front of them. How long has he been listening? What did he hear? More importantly, what does he believe now?
"Hey, Castiel, looks like we're in the same class again," Dean says.
Dammit, back to Castiel instead of Cas? He likes the sound of his new nickname rolling off Dean's lips. No one else calls him that, but for once, it's a nickname he doesn't mind. Now Dean isn't using it. That's a bad sign.
"Hi, Dean," Lucifer says, a mischievous grin on his face. "I was looking for you, actually."
"Hey, I'm flattered, but you aren't my type," Dean retorts.
What does he mean, not his type? Not his type personality wise or not his type because he's a guy? Please don't be the second one.
"Very funny," Lucifer says sarcastically.
"That is the worst comeback I have ever heard," Dean replies. "I'm assuming this isn't a battle of wits, because I'm clearly much better at it than you, so we here to fight, or make out? Because, personally, I'd rather do the first one."
"We can make that work."
Castiel looks between them, feeling incredibly small next to the taller boys. At first, he's afraid Dean will have no chance, but then he notices Dean's muscles. Damn, how often does he work out? Back on task. It seems to be an even match, physically. Castiel doesn't know who would win this fight, which is a first when it comes to his brother. Dean may be the competition Lucifer has been waiting for, but it's entirely possible it's the same for Dean.
"Dean, we should go to class," Castiel interrupts quietly.
"After I deal with this punk? Sure thing."
"Or now," Castiel suggests. "Bye, Lucifer. See you after school. Come on, Dean." He drags Dean by the arm, knowing perfectly well that Dean could break his grasp easily. Fortunately, after a few seconds of hesitation, he joins Castiel.
"This isn't over," Lucifer growls as the other two head into the room.
"Would dream of it, sweetheart," Dean says with a wink. "Catch ya later." He allows Castiel to drag him into class, ignoring the crowd of spectators the two had gathered.
"You know," Dean says to Castiel when Lucifer is out of hearing range, "if you didn't want to have lunch with us, you could have just said so."
"No, Dean-"
"I wouldn't have been offended," Dean adds. "Actually, I was a bit surprised when you agreed."
"Dean, what I said-" he sighs. "Never mind. Probably easier for both of us this way," he mutters, taking a seat at an open desk. Unfortunately for him, there is no open desk surrounded only by full seats, so Dean sits next to him.
"What's better for both of us?" Dean asks, concerned.
Castiel just shakes his head.
"Are we going back to the 'I say something, you respond silently' thing? Because that was really annoying."
"You can stop anytime," Castiel reminds him.
"Cas." Dean says it like its the secret to the universe, and Castiel has no choice but to listen. Dean sounds so sad, and Castiel can't deal with that. "Tell me what's wrong. Did I do something?"
Castiel just shakes his head.
"Then what is it?" Dean asks. When Castiel doesn't answer, Dean adds, "If you're going to be ignoring me in two of my classes, I'd like to know why."
"Just... Don't," Castiel says. "Don't."
Dean frowns. Castiel hates the idea what he's the reason for Dean's sadness, but he can't stop it. Castiel can't chase after a guy that will never like him back. He might as well give up now, before he has to tell Dean later and possibly ruin their potential friendship. It's the only way.

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