Chapter 22

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Dean hurries to second block, wanting to have as much time as possible there. He wants to chat with Castiel again. It gets boring, only seeing him after school. He decides to make the most of his in-school time as well.
Dean slides into his seat next to Castiel, who looks up immediately. He looks nervous for a moment, but when he sees Dean's face, he calms down considerably.
"Hey, Cas!" Dean greets him with a big smile.
"Hi, Dean," Castiel replies, smiling back.
"Hey, before I forget, I'm dragging you to lunch today," Dean informs him, not really giving him an option. "Charlie and Kevin are bugging me to get you to sit with us."
"Um... Okay," Castiel replies hesitantly.
Dean knows why he seems nervous, and he quickly says, "You don't have to come if you don't want to. And you don't actually have to talk if you do sit with us. If it means anything, though, they do want to talk to you."
"I'd rather not," Castiel says. "But I'll sit with you anyway."
Dean grins. "Yay!" Even if Charlie and Kevin don't get what they wanted, Dean gets to look at this beautiful blue eyed boy for all of lunch, and to him, that's the best anyone could ask for.
Lucifer appears in the doorway, clearing his throat to get their attention. Dean glares at him as he walks over to their seats.
"Ay, Cassie, what's up?" he asks loudly, trying to draw as much attention as he can to the boy. "Oh, Dean! I didn't think you'd be back this soon after what happened to poor little Sammy back there. I'm so, so sorry about that." He says the last part jokingly, not sorry about it at all. Dean is about to get up and give Lucifer a piece of his mind, but Castiel grabs his hand, and Dean can't.
"Don't," he mutters.
"The hell you mean, don't?" Dean demands. "Are you even listening to this guy?"
"Dean..." Castiel says in a warning tone.
Remembering what was said about how fighting Lucifer could impact their relationship, Dean takes a deep breath and calms down slightly. He isn't going to fight Lucifer. He doesn't have anything to prove. At least, nothing important enough to jeopardize his relationship with Castiel.
Lucifer looks down at their conjoined hands and smirks. "Aw, little Cassie got himself a boyfriend, huh?"
"Right now, the only thing keeping your brains in your skull is your brother, so you might want to stop bugging him before he decides to let me give you a piece off my mind," Dean growls.
"Oh, please. If you were going to fight me, you would have done it on Monday," Lucifer replies.
"You mean when you have my brother a concussion?" Dean reminds him. "Huh, maybe I should repay the favor."
"Dean, stop," Castiel says again, so quietly that Dean isn't sure if Lucifer actually heard it or just saw Castiel talking.
"Stay out of this, Cassie," Lucifer growls. "This is between me and Dean."
Dean can tell how nervous Castiel is when Lucifer talks to him like that, so he squeezes his boyfriend's hand reassuringly. He can feel the quickening of Castiel's pulse in his hand, and the expression on his face doesn't help him hide it. Lucifer doesn't mind, though. Actually, he seems to enjoy it, and that poses him off to no end.
"Yeah, you're right," Dean agrees angrily. "This is between you and me. So how about you leave both our brothers out of it? Because right now, Sam's got a concussion and Cas is freaking the hell out, both of which you caused."
"Aw, but Cassie doesn't hate me, does he?" Lucifer asks as if talking to a puppy. Castiel just looks down at his desk. "See? Best friends. So stay out of it."
"He hates when you call him Cassie, but I'm sure that's why you do it anyway. He hates when you draw attention to him, but you knew that already, too. He-"
"Guys, stop!" Castiel says finally, in the loudest voice he's used since Dean's met him.
"See?" Lucifer says tauntingly. "He does love when I pop in." He rustles Castiel's hair, and Castiel slouches in a failed attempt to not be touched. He looks his brother in the eye, something he hasn't done since Lucifer arrived.
"Lucifer, go," Castiel commands.
"What did you just say?"
"Go," Castiel repeats, less confident. He looks away from Lucifer again.
"You're joking," Lucifer says angrily. "You're going to this idiot over your own brother?"
"I'm not picking sides," Castiel tells him, quieter now out of obvious fear of his brother.
"Well, you just did! You just picked this douche over your own brother!"
"No, I didn't," Castiel insists.
"Then let me at him."
Castiel shakes his head silently.
"Then you did pick him!" Lucifer accuses.
"No, I didn't!" Castiel repeats. "I just don't want either of you to get hurt."
"Why do you care what happens to him?""
Lucifer challenges.
"I could be asking the same thing about you," Dean says.
"Because I love you both, and I don't want anything to happen to you!" Castiel says.
Dean is shocked into silenced. Love? Even love classified with Lucifer is something Dean didn't expect to hear from him. The boy that doesn't want to do anything more than hug is the first one to call this love? Dean doesn't know what to say. It's probably a good thing, too, with Lucifer standing next to him.
"But I'm your brother, Cassie," Lucifer reminds him. "What's he to you?"
Castiel is silent for a moment, and Dean feels his heart sink. So he isn't ready to tell people that they're dating? Dean doesn't want to have to keep it a secret. He wants the world to know how high he scored with this kid.
Finally, Castiel speaks. He's confident as he says it, more so than at any other point in this conversation. "He's my boyfriend."
That silences even Lucifer. He looks between them in surprise. After a moment, he regains the ability to speak.
"Wow, Cassie," Lucifer says finally. "I didn't think you'd stoop that low."
"It could be worse," Dean spits. "He could be with someone like you."
"Lucifer, what do you want from me?" Castiel asks, ignoring Dean's comment. "Did you just come here to criticize my boyfriend? Because I'm still going to keep him around, whether you approve or not. You've embarrassed me enough today. Go pick on someone else."
Lucifer just looks at him in shock for a moment. He doesn't even seem angry yet; just surprised. Finally, the anger reaches him.
"You're going to regret saying that, Castiel." With that, he storms out of the room.
Castiel watches him go, then rests his head on the desk, his arms around it in defeat. Dean glances around to see he rest of the class watching them with wide eyes. Dean doesn't care, though. He just wants to help Castiel.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Dean asks. "Looks to me like you beat him."
"I'm such an idiot," Castiel mutters in response.
"What? Why? I mean, at least he stopped calling you Cassie, right?" Dean tries to find the bright side, but he doesn't understand the bad side. He just stood up to Lucifer, which he should have done a long time ago. What's bad about that?
"With Lucifer, that's never a good sign," Castiel replies. "Why did I do that? Do I have a death wish that I don't know about?"
"There is one good thing about this, though," Dean says.
Castiel turns his head to the side so he can see Dean. "What?"
"Well, now that everyone knows we're dating, I can do this." He wraps his arms around Castiel in a reassuring hug, which Castiel returns. "See? All better!" he says when they pull apart.
"No, it's not."
"Well, no, not if you keep thinking about it," Dean agrees. "So, like, don't, 'kay?"
"I don't think it's that easy."
Dean shrugs. "It's worth a shot. Come on, smile!"
Castiel rolls his eyes, but he gives Dean a small smile anyway. Dean smiles back, an automatic response. He loves seeing Castiel smile. To him, it's the most beautiful thing in the world.

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