Chapter 33

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Sam goes home with Gabriel again. The eight of them-Michael, Lucifer, Balthazar, Gabriel, Sam, Anna, Castiel, and Samandriel all walk in together, not as scattered as they had been on Friday. Everyone besides Lucifer, Balthazar, Gabriel, Sam, and Castiel disappears to do homework, so the other five just hang around the living room. Gabriel hangs off the edge of the couch upside down, and Balthazar takes the opportunity to jump on him. The two get into a wrestling match, which Lucifer, Sam, and Castiel watch in amusement.
"Does this happen a lot?" Sam asks.
"Oh yeah," Lucifer replies. "You have no idea." He sits down on the other couch and watches the free gladiator fight.
Sam can't help but notice how much of a good mood Lucifer is in. So maybe he's not dancing on rainbows, but Sam saw his showdown in the hallway earlier today, and he was not this happy. Sam doesn't ask what happened, for fear of his concussion becoming worse. He's back to feeling mostly normal, and he'd like to keep it that way.
Gabriel manages to keep Balthazar on the ground long enough for Lucifer to count to ten in a very wrestle referee way, and Gabriel wins. At least, that's what Sam thinks happened. Satisfied, Gabriel lies back down on the couch.
"Hey, Luce," he says randomly, "What's up with your school showdown today?"
"What about it?" Lucifer asks in a closed tone that shows it's not really open for discussion.
"Well, what happened?" Gabriel asks, not getting the memo. "Why'd you flip on Azazel?"
Lucifer shrugs, but it isn't as free of a movement as it should be. "Cuz I felt like it."
"Yeah, but why did you feel like it?" Gabriel presses on.
Lucifer sighs, lying back on the couch as he explains, "Because Castiel is a way nicer person than I could ever hope to be. But I figured I'd try anyway."
"What?" Gabriel says in surprise, as they all turn to look at the blushing Castiel.
"What'd you do?" Balthazar asks.
Castiel just shrugs.
Lucifer sits up and sends him a mock death glare. "Hey, Castiel, we had a deal," he reminds his younger brother.
Castiel frowns. "Yeah but I don't like making deals with the devil."
Everyone laughs at that, probably just because it came from Castiel, but it was funny anyway. Castiel looks surprised at the response, but he doesn't question it.
"Castiel 2.0, now with jokes," Lucifer says as though presenting his brother.
"Who said I was joking?"
This brings another round of laughs from the others in the room.
"I like Castiel 2.0," Balthazar says.
"Why?" Castiel 2.0 asks cautiously.
"Because you're talking, and I like talking Castiel," Balthazar replies.
"I second this!" Gabriel adds.
"I never really met Castiel 1.0 but I'm gonna agree anyway," Sam adds.
"Where'd Castiel 2.0 come from, anyway?" Gabriel asks.
Castiel points at Lucifer.
"But where'd Lucifer 2.0 come from?" Balthazar asks.
Lucifer points back at Castiel.
"This is weird," Sam observes.
"And confusing," Balthazar adds.
"Mostly confusing, actually," Gabriel says. "What-"
Lucifer shakes his head. "Don't ask."
Gabriel frowns, wanting to know but not wanting to ask because he was told not to. He looks at Sam as a last hope. "Hey, Samoose, let's go hang out in my room and stuff."
Sam follows him to Gabriel's room, where the older boy shuts his door and sits on his bed. Sam follows, sitting next to Gabriel.
"So..." Sam says.
"So..." Gabriel echoes.
"What do you want to do?" Sam asks.
"What do you want to do?" Gabriel counters.
"Stop copying me."
"Stop copying me."
"What are you doing?"
"What are you doing?"
"Dude, seriously, what the heck?"
"Dude, seriously, what the heck?"
"I'm an idiot."
"Sam's an idiot."
Sam smacks him on the shoulder, and Gabriel grabs his hand, pulling him closer. He presses his lips to Sam's suddenly, and Sam pauses before he kisses back, too surprised to move for a moment. Gabriel chuckles lightly and pushes Sam down on the bed, knocking Sam's phone out of his pocket with a loud thump. Sam doesn't care, though. He grins against Gabriel's mouth, kissing him harder. Gabriel runs his fingers through the other boy's hair, his hands trailing down until they hook around him, hugging him tightly.
The door opens, revealing an amused Lucifer. The two boys pull apart quickly, embarrassed that the author doesn't know how to write smut so someone always has to interrupt things. Lucifer smirks at them.
"We heard a crash so Balthazar sent me in to see what it was." In a mocking whisper, he adds, "Word of advice. Next time you're about to go for it, make sure you lock the door." He backs out of the room, closing the door as he leaves.
"Well," Gabriel says, breathing heavy from their make out session cut short. "That was... unfortunate."
"Yeah," Sam replies, also panting. He reaches down and puts his phone back in his pocket. "Um..."
"Um..." Gabriel mocks him.
"Oh, God, not this again," Sam says in mock exasperation.
"'Kay, I'll stop," Gabriel replies. "Mmmaybe." (Insert clip of Gabriel saying that in Changing Channels here)
"We should talk," Sam says, wanting to clarify things.
"This is never good."
"No, nothing bad," Sam assures him. "I'm just wondering... What are we?"
"I had always assumed we were human, but I don't know. Maybe I'm an angel in Witness Protection."
Sam chuckles. "No, I mean... Are we dating? Is this dating?"
"Technically, no," Gabriel replies. "But, Samoose, would you like to go out with me?"
Sam grins. "Of course I would."
Gabriel smiles. "Great! We aren't technically dating 'til we've had our first date, but hey, we're close enough."
Sam nods. "Totally." He can't believe it. And to think that a week ago, he thought he was straight. Ha, what a joke that was.

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