Chapter 17

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A/N Wow, tomorrow will be one month since I last updated this. Oops.
Dean and Gabriel stay with Sam in the bathroom until his stomach is empty and there's nothing left to come up. Wanting to get him out of the gross smelling room, they bring him to the kitchen. When they notice him wobbling, they each take an arm as they lead him to the table, sitting him down in a chair.
"I forgot what the rest of humanity smelled like," Sam jokes weakly.
"I love how you're still cracking jokes," Gabriel says with a grin.
"Well, I could be really depressing, but that's not as fun," Sam replies.
Castiel walks into the kitchen upon hearing voices. He looks down sympathetically at Sam, who's still pale and not looking very good.
"I'd ask if you're okay, but I know you're going to say that you are whether you are or not."
"You know me so well," Sam replies, a small smile on his face as he does.
"Do you need anything?" Castiel asks. "Ice, water, ginger ale, anything?"
"As much as I'd love a ginger ale, I'd rather keep it out of the toilet, you know?"
Castiel nods sympathetically. "Ah, yeah, didn't think about that."
Sam shrugs. "It's fine. Thanks for trying."
"What happened to you?" Castiel asks.
"Lucifer happened," Sam replies vaguely.
Castiel's frown deepens as he seemingly figures out what Sam means. "What did he do this time?"
"He threw a small kickball at me."
"Because he's a great big bag of dicks," Gabriel answers jokingly.
"Yeah, what he said," Sam adds, not as jokingly.
"But why you?" Castiel asks again.
"Because I was on his team, so he couldn't go after me," Dean informs him. "So, he went after the next best target. Because he apparently has a death wish."
Castiel sighs. "Please don't hurt Lucifer."
"What? Why not?" Dean asks in surprise. "I would have thought that out of anyone, you would hate him the most."
Castiel shakes his head. "No, I don't hate him," he informs his boyfriend. "He can be annoying, sure, but he's my brother."
"And Sam's my brother, and look what that got him."
They both glance at the boy with the concussion, who appears to feel way worse than he's letting on.
"What are you doing about school?" Gabriel asks Sam.
Sam shrugs. "I'll probably be back by Friday."
Castiel looks skeptical. "You're not supposed to be back that soon," he tells him. "At least, not with a concussion as bad as yours."
"What can I say? I'm a survivor."
"No, this is like, actual, doctor-y facts," Gabriel tells him. "Castiel knows doctor-y stuff. Right, Castiel?"
Castiel nods, seemingly slightly embarrassed that Gabriel brought up his possible future of being a doctor. "Yeah."
"Is your whole family going in the medical field or something?" Dean asks, only sort of joking.
"No, the only two smart enough for that are Castiel and Michael, but Michael wants to work with computers," Gabriel informs him.
"Why does it sound like everyone already has their lives completely planned out?" Dean asks.
"Because they're overachievers," Gabriel replies simply. "I'm surprised you haven't picked up on that yet."
"Well, good for them for getting their lives together!" Dean says, looking at the embarrassed Castiel next to him. Dean grins. Castiel is cute when he's flustered. He's cute when he isn't flustered, too. Castiel is just cute in general.
There's a loud bag suddenly from the other room, causing Sam to grimace and cover his ears. Gabriel stays with him while Dean and Castiel go see what's going on.
"Are you okay?" Gabriel asks worriedly, hurrying to his side and kneeling by his chair, so they're about the same height
"Yeah," Sam lies. He's far from okay. Even just having his eyes open hurts his head, due to the light.
"Are you actually okay, or are you just saying that?" Gabriel asks.
"I'm fine," Sam lies again.
"Alright..." Gabriel sad skeptically. "Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Can you turn off the lights?" Sam asks hopefully. "And maybe be a little quieter?"
Gabriel nods, turning off the light for him. In a much quieter voice, he asks, "Is this better?"
"Yeah," Sam replies. "Thanks, Gabriel."
"No problem, Samoose," Gabriel replies.
"Samoose?" he repeats, amused.
"Yeah! Cuz you're a moose and your name is Sam. Samoose!"
Sam laughs quietly. "Alright, then." He glances at the other room where the rest of the family gathers, their voices faint enough that they can't be understood but loud enough that Sam can hear them.
"Are they too loud?" Gabriel asks.
Sam nods, which hurts his head much more than he lets on. "Yeah, a little. I sound like the annoying neighbor downstairs whenever someone tries to have a small party," he jokes.
"Okay, but you're the cute annoying neighbor downstairs," Gabriel adds with a grin.
"What?" Sam says in surprise. Cute? Where the hell did that come from?
"What, have you never seen a moose before?" Gabriel asks. "They're freaking adorable!"
Sam laughs. "Oh, yeah, totally," he says sarcastically. Moose are not adorable, in his opinion.
"Do you want me to sneak you into my room so you don't have to listen to people?" Gabriel offers.
Sam smiles gratefully. "Yeah, that would be great."
Gabriel leads him into a dark room, where he sits Sam down on his bed. He doesn't turn on the light, which Sam is thankful for. He stands next to Sam, waiting for him to get comfortable.
"Can you stay with me?" Sam asks hesitantly, unsure if it's what Gabriel wanted to do. Probably not; who wants to sit on a bed silently with someone?
"Of course, Samwich," Gabriel says affectionately, sitting down next to Sam, their backs against the wall.
Sam rests his head on Gabriel's shoulder, and immediately regrets it. What if Gabriel doesn't want to be Sam's headrest? Gabriel puts his arm around Sam, and his fears are dulled. He snuggles up to him, glad he's made this new friend.

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