Chapter 32

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"What just happened?" Dean asks as Lucifer storms away. The rest of the spectators begin talking as well; a sudden loud noise after so long of near silence.
"I-I don't know," Kevin replies.
"That was... Interesting," Charlie adds uncertainly.
"Why'd he do that?" Dean asks. "Why would he ever-"
Castiel walks away quickly, causing Dean to cut himself off and call after him. Castiel ignores it. He has somewhere to be. He wants to go find Lucifer. Unfortunately, he doesn't know where to look. Where does one go to skip class?
Surprisingly, Castiel manages to catch up just enough to see him walk into the library, of all places. Castiel follows him, though he isn't sure why. What could he possibly say to him? Oh well, he might as well go anyway.
Lucifer takes a seat at a computer next to someone who looks familiar, but all Castiel can see is the back of his head. Wait, is that... Michael? Huh, maybe Castiel isn't needed here at all. Lucifer glances behind them and waves Castiel forward. He reluctantly obliges, but he still doesn't know what he's doing. Castiel stands between his brothers awkwardly.
"What are you guys doing here?" Michael asks them, sounding incredibly confused.
"I ditched my 'friends' and Castiel followed me," Lucifer explains briefly, making finger quotations around the word "friends."
"Why?" Michael asks Lucifer.
Lucifer looks at Castiel affectionately as he says, "I was giving a pep talk and it got interrupted by someone giving me a much better pep talk."
Castiel can't contain his surprise. Lucifer did that because of him?
"That's what you two were talking about?" Michael says, sounding surprised.
Lucifer nods. "Castiel basically told me I'm a dick and I kicked him out of my room. It worked out fine, though. I mean, I have no friends, but it's fine."
"Welcome to my life," Michael jokes.
"And my life," Castiel adds.
"You've got more friends than both of us combined," Lucifer tells him.
"Wait, when did this happen?" Michael asks, confused.
"Dean?" Castiel reminds him.
"And Asian Kid and Redhead," Lucifer adds. "Yeah, I saw that. You were having fun, don't deny it."
"Yeah, I was," Castiel agrees. He hadn't realized how fun talking can be. It just sort of came naturally to him then.
"Wait, what's happening?" Michael asks.
"Castiel has friends now!" Lucifer tells him with a big grin, ruffling his younger brother's hair affectionately.
"Well, good for you!" Michael says, sounding genuinely happy for him.
"How 'bout you?" Lucifer asks Michael. "Do you have any life-altering news?"
Michael shakes his head. "Nope. Life's as boring as ever."
"That's no fun," Lucifer replies. "Come on, Michael! We're trying to enjoy our life-changing experiences and you're not helping!"
"Sorry," Michael says, but he doesn't even try to sound like he is. "So, what are you gonna do now?" he asks Lucifer.
Lucifer shrugs. "Not sure. I don't have anyone to ditch class with anymore. Maybe I'll start actually going to class."
Michael gives an exaggerated gasp. "What? Lucifer, going to class? What has this world become?"
Lucifer slaps him on the shoulder, but like Castiel and Michael, he's laughing, too.
"I should probably get to class, actually," Castiel says, glancing at the clock. He's not too late.
"And say what?" Lucifer asks. "You're late. You're gonna get in more trouble for being late than you would for not showing at all."
Castiel shrugs. "I've got to go to class. Might as well go now."
"No, Castiel, don't leave me with this psycho!" Michael says in a playful tone, earning another slap from Lucifer.
"Sorry, Michael," Castiel replies. "If you manage to survive, I'll save you later. Okay?"
Michael grins. "Yep. See ya, Castiel." He gives Castiel a mock salute, and Castiel imitates it before walking back to class.
He gives the teacher some fake excuse about some teacher asking for his help, which is why he's late. The teacher buys it, probably because perfect little Casyiel would never skip class. Castiel takes his seat next to Dean.
"Where were you?" Dean asks quietly.
"Library," Castiel replies.
"Why the hell were you in the library?"
"I followed Lucifer, who apparently went to see Michael," Castiel explains.
"Yeah? Did he tell you what's up with him?" Dean asks.
Castiel nods. "It's between the three of us, though." Not because Lucifer wanted it to be; Castiel doubts he'd care if word spread that he did it for his brother. Castiel just doesn't want to admit that he's the one that changed Lucifer's mind. He doesn't want the excessive attention for it.
It's obvious that Dean wants to know, but he doesn't pry. That's one of the things Castiel loves about Dean. He never makes Castiel talk when he doesn't want to. Well, he did at lunch, but that was different because reasons.

That Destiel/Sabriel High School Fanfic. No, the Other One.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora