Chapter 23

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Lucifer walks into Sam's second block class looking pissed. He walks over to Samandriel, but his eyes land on Sam and he groans.
"Dammit, why is it so hard to get away from you two?" he growls, and though it was about Sam, it doesn't seem to be directed at anyone.
"Hey, Lucifer," Samandriel greets him cautiously. "What's up?"
"Castiel is a bitch, that's what," Lucifer snaps.
"Castiel?" Samandriel repeats, confused. "When has Castiel ever been mean to anyone? He's, like, the nicest person I know."
"No, he's not." Lucifer says it with so much hostility, Sam finds himself moving his chair away from him slightly.
"Alright," Samandriel says, putting his hands up as a sign of peace. "Whatcha doing here?"
"I got bored. Figured I'd check up on my littlest bro."
Samandriel raises an eyebrow but doesn't question it. "Well, the teacher is gonna be back any second, so you should probably go."
Lucifer doesn't seem to appreciate this idea, but he does anyway.
As soon as he's out of the room, Sam lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Just being near Lucifer is enough to give Sam anxiety. He can't believe he told Gabriel he would try to play nice. He doesn't want to go near him ever again. Unfortunately, he made a promise to Gabriel, and he intends to keep it. If only this afternoon would never come.

"Come on, let's go find Charlie and Kevin!" Dean says when the bell for lunch rings.
"Alright," Castiel replies reluctantly.
"You don't have to," Dean reminds him.
"I know," Castiel says. "But I want to."
Dean gives him a skeptical look, but doesn't question it aloud. He knows Castiel doesn't want to talk to anyone, especially after what he considers a disaster wth Lucifer. Dean is glad he's still willing to try to be social, though. Dean is sure it's not fun for him, but Dean wants to spend more time with Castiel in any way possible.
The two boys make their way to the cafeteria, the crowd almost pushing them apart multiple times but never succeeding. They find Charlie and Kevin alone at a table, and Dean leads the hesitant Castiel over to them. Dean sits down with a big smile upon seeing his friends, and Castiel slides into the seat next to him, less excited but willing to do it anyway.
"Yay, you guys came!" Charlie says excitedly.
"Yep!" Dean replies.
"How are you guys?"
"I'm great," Dean tells her.
She turns to Castiel, who shrugs silently. Charlie looks at Dean again, upset that he won't talk. Dean just shrugs, too. There's nothing he can do about it. If Castiel wants to talk, he'll talk. If not, he won't. It's up to him.
"How's everyone's day been?" Charlie asks, clearly realizing she won't get anywhere with the other question. "Anything fun happen?"
Kevin shakes his head. "Nope. Life is boring. Per usual."
"Same," Dean replies.
"How 'bout you, Castiel?" Charlie asks.
Castiel glances at Dean for help, but Dean can't do anything for him. He can either talk and be uncomfortable or be antisocial and rude. Usually, he doesn't care what people think about him, but these are Dean's friends. He probably shouldn't make them think Dean's friends with a jerk, or worse, know that he's dating him. Castiel isn't sure if Dean's told them that they're dating. He'd be surprised. It's not really something to brag about.
Castiel shrugs again. "Pretty uneventful," he lies. Sure, he'll talk a little, but he doesn't want to go into long discussions with them, and the Lucifer story would be too long for his taste.
Charlie starts celebrating silently that Castiel spoke, and Kevin seems glad as well. It's strange what two words can do to people when you usually don't talk at all.
"Well, what's the most fun thing that's happened to you today?" Charlie asks him.
Castiel knows she wants him to talk, but he wishes she would be a little more subtle about it. Does she have to only talk to him? It makes him feel uncomfortable. Well, more uncomfortable than he usually is around people.
"Sleeping?" Castiel replies, having done nothing fun today at all. Unless seeing Dean counts, but they really didn't have any fun moments together today anyway.
"Sleeping's fun," Charlie agrees. "That's it, though? Nothing's happened today?"
Castiel just shrugs again. There's a difference between nothing fun happening and nothing happening at all. Castiel doesn't feel the need to explain his situation right now.
"Charlie, you realize there are more people at this table than just Cas, right?" Dean asks, stepping in to save him finally.
"I know, but I've never gotten to talk to him before!"
"He's not going to disappear," Kevin assures her before turning to Castiel. "Sorry about her. She's a little..." He circles his ear with his finger, insinuating that she's crazy.
"It's true," Charlie admits, sounding sort of proud. "But crazy is fun!"
"Not for everyone else," Kevin replies jokingly.
"Of course it is!" She looks at Dean. "You think crazy is fun, right?"
"On you? Definitely," he answers.
"See? See?" she says to Kevin, rubbing it in his face. The three of them laugh, but Castiel doesn't see the humor. What just happened? Maybe if he were watching from afar, it would be funny, but he can't focus on enjoying himself if he's trying to talk to people. It's just how he works.
"Seriously, though, no one has any fun stories?" Charlie says when they stop laughing.
Kevin's and Castiel shakes their heads, but Dean speaks.
"It's not really a story, but Cas and I do have some awesome news, since no one else is talking."
Charlie starts fangirling, hard. "What? What? What? What is it?" She looks between them excitedly, and Kevin rolls his eyes before looking at Dean politely, waiting for him to finish.
Dean takes Castiel's hand and holds it up slightly so the others can see. "We're dating."
Compared to the calm manner that Dean said it in, Charlie looks like a chimpanzee on crack. (Kudos to you if you got that reference) Castiel will never understand her fangirl ways.
"Oh my god really that's awesome oh my god I totally ship it I can't believe it wh-"
"Breathe," Kevin advises her as Dean laughs.
Charlie takes a deep breath as he instructed. Then, she continues rambling like she was before Kevin told her to breathe. Kevin has to clamp a hand over her mouth to get her to stop.
"Well, congratulations, you two!" Kevin says, finally taking his hand away from Charlie's mouth.
"I just realized all of us are gay but Kevin," Charlie laughs.
"I'm not gay," Dean protests. "I prefer to think of myself as a free wielding bisexual." (Kudos to you again if you got that reference too)
"Okay, then Kevin's the only straight one," Charlie corrects herself.
"Yeah, that ones true," Kevin agrees.
"When did you guys start dating?" Charlie asks Dean and Castiel.
"Monday night," Dean answers for them.
"And I'm just finding out about this now?"
"I haven't been to school since," Dean reminds her.
"You had my number! And you never texted me, by the way. I told you to. Just saying."
Dean rolls his eyes. "Yes, mom," he say sarcastically.
For the rest of lunch, Charlie interrogates Dean and Castiel about their relationship in the most fangirl way possible. Dean answers all the questions, much to Castiel's relief. He didn't mind listening to these three chat, but he's still not too thrilled with doing it himself. Finally, lunch ends, and Castiel isn't as thrilled about it as he would have thought. He was enjoying listening to them talk.
Castiel stands up and waits for Dean, something he didn't do last time. Dean grins and stands up, too.
"You should sit with us more often!" Charlie says to Castiel.
Castiel shrugs. "Maybe," he replies. If Dean sits with them, he will, too.
Seemingly reading his mind, she turns to Dean and says, "You better keep sitting with us because I want to be able to talk to Castiel too!"
Dean just laughs. "Alright, sure thing," he replies before turning back to Castiel. "I completely forget where our class is. Where are we going?"
Castiel chuckles. "Come on," he says, taking Dean's hand to lead him through the masses of people and to class.

That Destiel/Sabriel High School Fanfic. No, the Other One.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ