Chapter 7

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"What was that for?" Castiel hisses when he's sure Lucifer won't be back to hear it.
"Hm, I was thinking more along the lines of 'thank you for sticking up to my brother for me,'" Dean replies.
"If I wanted to stick up to my brother, don't you think I would have done it already?"
Dean frowns. "Alright, Cas-can I call you Cas?" Castiel shrugs. "Is that a 'Lucifer, you can call me Cassie' shrug or a 'I don't mind the name Cas' shrug?"
"More like a 'I don't want to deal with this so just do whatever you feel like' shrug," Castiel replies.
"So, the first one?"
Castiel sighs. "I don't mind Cas, but don't call me Cassie. Happy now?"
He nods. "Very. So, Cas-wait, what was I going to say?"
Castiel shrugs. "If you're done with this 'trying to start a conversation,' thing, I'll be returning to my book now."
"You know, you were way more fun earlier."
Castiel shrugs again. "Nice to know."
"Dude, stop it," Dean says. "I don't want to be stuck in this class for ninety minutes every day without talking to anyone, so please, just for me, try to say something?"
Castiel sighs. "Fine. For today, anyway. I figure you'll be skipping the rest of the year; might as well skip this class too."
"Fine by me. So, tell me about yourself?"
"I like books and hate people," Castiel replies.
Dean frowns. "That's not quite what I meant."
"Well, it's what you're getting," Castiel replies. "Take it or leave it."
"Alright, fine. What book are you reading?"
Castiel turns it over to Dean can see the cover. "Hunger Games," he replies.
"That's a good movie."
"Wouldn't know. Never saw it."
"You've never seen Hunger Games? You need to get it," Dean tells him.
"I have the movie," Castiel tells him. "My family was watching it last night. I decided to read it again instead." Dean eyes Castiel's book. He's almost done with it, and he just started last night? Who reads that fast?
"Why would you read the book instead of watching the movie?" Dean asks, genuinely wondering where that logic came from.
"Because I like reading," Castiel replies.
"Because..." He fumbles for the right words to use. "Because it's sort of like you're there, you know? Like, you get in this zone where what happens in the book happens to you. You become a character. You feel what they feel and you do what they do. It sounds stupid, I know, but it's true."
"It sounds awesome, actually," Dean replies honestly. "Not enough to get me to read, but awesome."
Castiel chuckles, and it seems sincere to Dean. "Yeah, I doubt anything I say can get you to pick up a book."
"You know, that's exactly what Charlie said to me about computers."
"Charlie... Bradbury?"
Dean shrugs. "No clue." He never got her last name, but he did get her number. Score for him! Not that it really matters, because she's a lesbian, but it's all he's got to show for today.
"Girl? Red hair? Hangs out with the geek squad? Kevin Tran?"
Dean nods. "Yeah, that one."
Castiel nods. "Doesn't surprise me. She's the best at computers. She's even helped Michael out before."
"Yeah, I noticed," Dean says. "She helped him out with some prank."
Castiel grins. "The Instagram one?"
Dean nods. "Yeah. Your prank?"
He shakes his head. "No, my brother Samandriel's. My brother Gabriel changed all the icons on his computer to the trash can and named them all 'recycle bin' so he didn't know what was what. Changed their locations and everything. He wanted to get him back with something fairly similar, but he doesn't have the imagination of Gabriel, and he thought doing the same thing would be boring."
"Really? Do they have prank wars a lot?" Dean asks.
"Gabriel pulls pranks a lot, but people don't usually get him back because it rarely works out. I don't see how this one can go wrong, though. It'll be interesting to see."
Dean nods. "Yeah, tell me how that works out. That's going to be interesting." It's not the best prank he's heard, but it's not horrible.
"It'll be interesting to see if Gabriel can figure out a way to turn the prank around like he usually does."
"Like when?" Dean asks. He's glad they actually started talking, even if it isn't about either of them. He's not going to jeopardize it by changing the conversation to themselves.
"Well, once, Balthazar tried to dump a bucket of ice water on Gabe's head from on top of the door, but when he wasn't looking, Gabriel switched which door the bucket was on, and it soaked Balthazar instead. Then he made a crack about how that must be what it felt like to be on the Titanic when it went under, because Balthazar hates that movie."
Dean chuckles. "How did he know? You're supposed to put the bucket up when they aren't looking and somewhere that they can't see it."
Castiel shrugs. "He has this amazing ability to know when he's being pranked. Probably because he knows all the signs from his numerous pranks."
"How about you? What's the worst prank he's pulled on you?" Dean asks.
"He's never pranked me," Castiel replies.
"Why not?"
"We aren't really close," he says. "Definitely not close enough for a giant spider in my room like he did to Samandriel once. It's nice, not having to worry about having my rug spray painted with the words 'Gabriel is my King' on it."
Dean laughs. "He really did that?"
Castiel nods. "Yeah, Chuck wasn't too happy, but Balthazar thought it was a good one."
"Chuck? Is he one of your brothers?"
"No, he's my dad. Adoptive dad, actually, which is why we call him Chuck instead. He loves the prank wars, though. He just doesn't like having a army of ants in the house, or, of course, buying new rugs."
"What about the bucket of ice water?"
"He came in the room and saw Balthazar, and he started laughing with the rest of us."
"Seriously?" John would never let them do that. John likes everything to be organized, and that would not pass as organized to him.
"Yeah, Chuck's cool like that."
"He sounds cool," Dean agrees, secretly jealous his dad is so relaxed. Sure, Dean loves his dad, but Chuck is a new level of awesome. In fact, this whole family sounds great, with the exception of Lucifer, though he's sure he adds some flavor to the mix. Still, Dean wouldn't trade his family for them. He loves Sam too much. He practically raised the kid, with how often John was out. He wouldn't trade Sam for anything.

That Destiel/Sabriel High School Fanfic. No, the Other One.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن