Chapter 6

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From his conversation with Charlie and Kevin on his way to his next class, he learns that Lucifer is the class thug, and his brother Michael is the nerd that everyone knows. He's basically homework help to everyone, including the other nerds because he's already been in all the hardest classes. Had Dean planned on attending classes, he would have remembered to ask Michael for help if he needs it. He skips more than he shows up, though, so he won't be doing any homework anyway. The only reason he's going to class today is to find out who's cool and who isn't.
Dean's next class is already full by the time he gets there, with only one open seat in the front of the room. Dean thanks Charlie and Kevin before sitting next to the boy in the front.
"Hi," Dean greets him. The boy glances at him before returning to his book. Isn't this the kid Dean ran into earlier? Yeah, it has to be. Dean can't forget those perfect eyes. Dammit, Dean. Stop sounding so gay! "I'm Dean."  The boy doesn't respond. "What's your name?"
"Castiel," he says, so quietly Dean can barely hear him.
"Castiel?" Dean repeats, unsure if he heard correctly. The boy gives him a small nod. "Hm, cool name. Never heard that before."
Castiel just shrugs. "Are you going to make me do all the talking?"
"You can stop anytime," Castiel says quietly,
Dean grins. "So he does speak." Castiel just shrugs. Dean's grin disappears. "Aw, come on. We were doing so good!"
"What?" Dean says, confused.
"Well, not good," Castiel corrects him.
Dean frowns. "Really? Grammar naziing now?"
Castiel shrugs. "You wanted me to speak. Also, naziing isn't a word."
"Yeah, well, I'm not really into this whole 'education' thing, so I think I'll pass on the grammar lessons," Dean snaps.
"Fine by me." Castiel returns to his book. Dean leans back in his seat, attempting to enjoy his time alone, but after a few seconds, sighs out of boredom and turns back to Castiel.
"Can we please talk? Pay attention to me, I'm bored!"
"You sound like my brother," Castiel mutters, probably not meant to Dean to comment on.
"Really? What's your brother's name?" Dean asks, glad he contributed something to the conversation, even if he didn't mean to.
Dean laughs. "Wow, no love lost between you two, huh?"
"Technically, it's Lucifer, but it's the same thing."
Dean looks at him incredulously. He's Lucifer's brother? But Lucifer is so loud and outgoing. This kid doesn't seem to want to speak at all!
"You've met him?"
Dean nods. "Yeah, how'd you know that?"
"You didn't assume I was lying when I called him Lucifer, as most people would, because I called my brother the devil. I also know that Lucifer isn't in your class, because he doesn't know Charlie and Kevin, who you came here with, but I believe Michael could be; they're about as smart. Lucifer wasn't in class today, so it's likely he payed Michael a visit, and Charlie told you who he was."
"I feel like I just watched an episode of Sherlock," Dean jokes.
"No, Sherlock is much more impressive. I just looked at this logically."
"Yeah, and so does Sherlock, but no one else logics like that!"
Castiel shrugs. "I doubt that. It wasn't very impressive. Just a simple chain of thought. Also, 'logics' is not a verb."
Dean doesn't let the grammar naziing faze him. He's just glad Castiel is talking now.
"Yeah, well, it's a verb now. Wait, how do you know Lucifer wasn't in class today?"
"He visited my class," Castiel replies. "Besides, he's never in class."
Something dawns on Dean, and he couldn't believe he didn't realize it before. "You're 'little Cassie,' aren't you?"
Castiel sighs. "Don't call me Cassie."
"So you are! Michael told Lucifer to leave you alone. He claimed he was going to see... Hannah? Anna? I don't know. But he wasn't going to visit you."
"He lied. He does that a lot."
That doesn't surprise Dean. Actually, he expected it. It seems to fit with what little bit of Lucifer's personality he's seen.
"My brother wouldn't ditch class to see me. It must be nice."
Castiel scoffs. "In what world is seeing Lucifer in my class a good thing?"
"What, you don't like your brother?"
"It's not that I don't like him, I just... Don't really like him, yeah."
Dean chuckles. "Wow, close family, huh?"
"There are seven of us," he says. "We can't all be super close. I still love them all, obviously, because they're family, but there are times when I wouldn't mind snapping his neck, ya know?"
"Whose neck are we snapping, Cassie?"
Castiel turns around slowly to face the door, frowning. "No one's," he mutters, looking at his brother's feet instead of his face.
"What are you doing here?" Dean asks him, not unkindly. He doesn't know Lucifer enough to be a jerk to him. Sure, some people he hates at first sight, but Lucifer seems like he could be Dean's friend if he plays his cards right.
"Looking for Anna," he replies. "But I saw you and couldn't help but stop by. I was wondering how many people you got swooning over you today, but I wasn't expecting my brother to be one of them."
Castiel blushes, and Lucifer laughs. Dean can't help but feel bad for the kid. Even Dean wouldn't do this to his brother, and he is the master of making people's lives difficult.
"Clearly, I've got you swooning over me, too, if you stopped your hunt for Anna just to check my out," Dean says.
Lucifer shrugs. "What can I say? Curiosity got the better of me."
"You know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat."
"But satisfaction brought it back," Lucifer adds. "Alright, I'll leave you and little Cassie alone now." Lucifer begins to leave.
"You mean Castiel," Dean says, causing Lucifer to turn back around.
"Castiel, not little Cassie," Dean corrects him.
"Dean, don't," Castiel mutters under his breath, so only Dean can hear him.
"If I want to call him Cassie, I will call him Cassie, and you will mind your own business and stay out of it. Got it?"
"Or maybe you should ask him which he prefers."
Lucifer looks at Castiel expectantly. "Well?"
Castiel looks down at the floor and shrugs. Lucifer gives Dean a winning look.
"See? Stay out of my business with Cassie," he says the name pointedly, as if proving a point, "and I'll stay out of yours and your brother's. Got it?"
Dean was going to let him leave, but after mentioning Sam, Dean decided he can't let it go. "You are going to leave my brother alone either way," Dean growls.
"Yeah? Or what?" Lucifer challenges.
"Or I will personally bash your head into a wall until you can no longer remember your own name."
Lucifer snickers. "Oh, I'm sure you will," he says sarcastically.
"You want to test me?"
"Oh, I'd love to test you," Lucifer replies teasingly.
"Lucifer, you should go now," Castiel interrupts before things get out of hand.
"I said you should go," Castiel repeats, less confident now, which Dean didn't realize was possible.
"You're picking this douche over your own brother?"
"No, I'd just rather not get blood on my coat." It's clearly meant to be a joke, but Castiel says it so nervously, it doesn't sound very entertaining.
Lucifer grins, but there's no humor in it. He turns to Dean. "This isn't over, kid."
"Oh, wouldn't dream of it, Luci."
Lucifer glares at him before leaving, and as soon as Lucifer is gone, Dean breathes a sigh of relief and slumps down in his chair. He's not relieved he wasn't hurt; he's glad he didn't hurt Lucifer. Starting his time at school by beating up the most popular kid in school probably isn't his smartest idea. Still, he brought Sam into this, and Dean wasn't going to let that slide.

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