Chapter 18

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Dean and Castiel hurry out into the living room, curious to see what the big crash was. They walk in to find Balthazar lying on the floor, Samandriel laughing at him, Anna sitting in the couch on her phone, and Michael with his head in his hand in disappointment.
"Why?" Michael asks, exasperated.
"Why not?" Balthazar replies, rolling into a sitting position before standing up.
"What just happened?" Dean asks, looking around at the seemingly unconcerned family.
"Balthazar did the flop off of the couch," Samandriel explains. Castiel looks at him, confused. He clearly doesn't understand that reference.
"Why?" Dean asks, understanding the word from TomSka's ASDFmovies.
"Why not?" Balthazar repeats. "Hey, where's Sam?"
"Attempting to deal with a concussion," Dean answers.
"And your jumping around isn't helping," Castiel adds quietly, as if afraid of scolding his brother. "The noise makes it worse."
Balthazar nods once, the guilt clear in his expression. "Oh, I didn't realize," he admits.
"That's okay, just make sure to keep it down a little."
"You're too nice, Castiel," Chuck says, walking into the room. "What was the loud banging?"
"Balthazar being an idiot," Anna replies, looking up from her phone.
"I should have known," he laughs. "Hey, where's Gabriel?"
"He should be in the kitchen with Sam," Dean informs him.
"No, no one's in there," Chuck replies.
"What?" Dean says, suddenly alert and overly nervous for his brother.
"He probably just took Sam somewhere quiet," Castiel assures him softly. "No need to panic."
Dean nods, calming down a little. "Yeah, probably."
Chuck looks between the two of them, confused. It's not surprising why. Castiel wouldn't have said that to his own siblings, never mind someone from school. Castiel always lets other people do the talking for him. Seeing him talking to Dean of his own free will must seem weird to him.
"Alright, whatever," Chuck says finally. "I'm going to actually work on my book. Stop being loud and obnoxious. It's annoying for Sam." He leaves, and the teenagers are alone once again.
"Chuck seems way too cool," Dean observes when he's gone. John wouldn't be so chill about this.
"Yeah, he's great," Anna says. "Seriously, you don't know what you're missing out on, not having him as a step dad."
"Clearly," Dean says, feeling jealous despite himself. He loves John. He shouldn't be wishing John was anyone else.
"Do you have to go home soon, or can you guys hang out for a while?" Anna asks. "It's too quiet here without Lucifer."
"I guess we can stay," he replies. It's not like his dad is home to tell them to get back. He won't be back until Sunday. "But if Lucifer comes back, we're leaving," he adds.
"Yay!" Anna cheers, sounding way too excited. She seems to be an excitable person. "So, what should we do?"
No one says anything. No one in the group knows what to do now. They've established that Dean should stay, but with no clue what to do now that he is staying. Finally, Balthazar has an idea.
"How about we make Castiel watch Hunger Games?" he suggests.
"We just watched that yesterday," Michael reminds him.
"Castiel didn't," Anna reminds him.
Michael sighs and turns to Castiel. "Hunger Games?"
Castiel just shrugs. He doesn't seem to be excited for it, that's for sure. Whether he's opposed to it is unclear, but it seems likely he just doesn't care. The others of the family seem to take it as a "yes," though Dean thinks he doesn't want to watch it.
"Let's have Hunger Games marathon!" Anna shouts excitedly.
"Keep it down," Michael says. "Sam probably doesn't want to hear you yelling."
"Oh, sorry," Anna mutters, turning the movie on and playing it at a fairly low volume.
Dean gets comfortable on the couch next to Castiel to watch it. Having already seen the movie, he finds himself watching Castiel instead. He can't help but admire the boy's beautiful face. How has Dean gone eighteen years without knowing this perfect boy exists?
Castiel doesn't seem very interested in the movie either. His eyes scan the room, finally landing on Dean by his side. He smiles at the other boy shyly, seemingly slightly embarrassed that Dean was watching him. Dean isn't embarrassed to be caught, though. It's only natural to stare at someone so beautiful.
Dean smiles back, putting his arm around the him. Castiel freezes for at Dean's touch, but relaxes after a moment. He rests his head on Dean's shoulder gently. Dean can't believe he got this lucky. How many people get to be with someone this perfect?
"Get a room," Balthazar says, rolling his eyes at them.
Castiel sits up, embarrassed, but Dean just rolls his eyes at Balthazar and pulls Castiel closer. Castiel hesitates before resting his head on Dean again, probably afraid of hearing the family's reaction. Finally, he does, and they "watch" the rest of the movie like that, enjoying their perfect little world.

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