Chapter 16

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"What is going on with you two?" Anna asks when she arrives with Michael. "You were friends at lunch, then you basically ignored each other a few minutes ago, and now you're back to being besties?"
"Ooh, I know this one!" Gabriel announces, bouncing towards them. Following him is Samandriel and a boy that neither Sam nor Dean has seen before, but they both assume is Balthazar.
"You know something? That's a first," Balthazar teases.
"Please, enlighten us with this knowledge," Samandriel adds in a jokingly formal manner.
"Can I? Can I? Please?" Gabriel begs Castiel and Dean.
The new couple share a look, and Dean shrugs to show he's fine with it. Castiel nods and turns back to his older brother.
"Sure," he says, not quiet like he usually is. He seems to be more confident just from Dean's proposal of official boyfriend titles.
"DESTIEL IS REAL!" Gabriel screams as loud as he can, jumping around.
"Woah, lay off the sugar," Castiel laughs.
"But... But... But sugar!" Gabriel protests, giving Castiel his puppy dog eyes.
"Fine, go eat some sugar," Castiel says.
"Yay!" Gabriel pulls a bag of almost empty resealable Skittles from his pocket.
"You are all those since lunch?" Anna says incredulously.
"Oh, no, this is a different bag."
"You need help," Samandriel says. "Like actual, professional help. You are addicted to Skittles."
"No I'm not," Gabriel protests calmly. "I'm addicted to candy. It doesn't have to be Skittles."
"That's probably not something to be proud of," Anna says.
Gabriel shrugs. "At least it ain't drugs."
"Or is it drugs?" Balthazar asks. "You switched the Skittles for drugs, didn't you?"
Gabriel gives an exaggerated frown. "I can't believe you think so lowly of me."
"I'm gonna take that as a yes."
"You'll never know..." Gabriel replies mysteriously.
"Hey, where's Sam?" Dean asks, suddenly worried.
"Bathroom, remember?" Gabriel reminds him.
"It's been over ten minutes," Dean says.
"Maybe he had to take a crap," Gabriel suggests dismissively.
Dean shakes his head. "No, I don't think so," he says. "Where's your bathroom?"
Gabriel waves Dean on, signaling to follow him. Dean does, and Gabriel leads him to the bathroom, gesturing to the bathroom door silently. He stands fairly far from it as if he's afraid Sam will come out and think they're strange for waiting for him. He's probably right, but Dean doesn't want to take any chances. He knocks on the door and takes a step back to wait.
"Sam?" Dean calls.
"Yeah?" he replies quietly from the other side of the door.
"I told you he was still alive," Gabriel says.
Dean's about to shrug it off when he hears a sound he instantly recognizes as his brother puking. Dean frowns and knocks again.
"Sam, want me to come in?" Dean offers.
"Door's unlocked," is the faint reply.
Dean pushes the door open to reveal a vey pale Sam crouched over the toilet in a room that smells completely of puke. Dean struggles to keep his face caring, but inside, he's pissed. This is all Lucifer's fault. Dean is more determined to get him back now than ever. He sits down next to his brother, breathing through his mouth in an attempt to ignore the smell.
"Hey, you okay?" Dean asks.
"Yeah," Sam replies weakly. "I'm fine."
Dean eyes him skeptically. "You don't look fine."
"I'm fine," Sam repeats, emphasizing the last word more than necessary.
"I've got to agree with Deano on this one," Gabriel admits. "You look like shit. No offense."
"I'm fine," he says again. "Really. It's not like this is my first concussion. I'll survive. Just chill out, guys, okay?"
Gabriel raises an eyebrow. "Not your first concussion?" he repeats. "How many concussions have you had?"
Sam begins to count them on his fingers, but he gives up after 10, finally saying, "A lot."
"You've had more than ten concussions?" Gabriel says in disbelief.
Sam just shrugs. "I was never the most popular kid in school."
Gabriel's eyes widen as he realizes what Sam means. "Oh, that's horrible!"
"Well, Dean always gets them back way worse," Sam tells him with an affectionate look at his older brother.
"Damn right I do," he agrees.
Gabriel frowns. "Can you not beat up Lucifer, please?" he asks hopefully.
"I'm going to snap his neck next time I see him," Dean replies angrily.
"You better not," Gabriel says. "For everyone's sake, yours included."
"What are you talking about?"
"You'll get suspended for fighting at school, or possibly expelled, and there's no way Chuck will let any of us see you if you hurt Lucifer. If you really like Castiel, you'll leave Lucifer alone. Otherwise, neither you or Sam are going to see any of us again, and we won't be able to stop that."
Dean sighs, frown deepening. "Fine. I won't start a fight. If he comes after Sammy or me first, though, he's dead."
Knowing he won't get anything else from Dean, Gabriel nods, accepting this. "Alright. Good plan. Although, best situation would be to walk away if Lucifer goes after you, because that would probably get you bonus points with Chuck."
"Screw that," Dean says. "I'm not making the first move, but I sure as hell ain't gonna let him make the last one. I'm no wimp, and I'm going to make sure everyone knows that. No one messes with the Winchesters and gets away with it."

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