Chapter 19

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Sam and Gabriel both fall asleep on Gabriel's bed, Sam still snuggled up to the shorter boy. Eventually, there's a soft knock on the door, but neither of them hear it in their unconscious state. Dean opens the door slowly to find the two cuddling on Gabriel's bed. Dean smiles to himself, seeing Sam so peaceful. He closes the door silently and walks away, leaving them in peace for now while he goes to search for Castiel again.
"Where's Sam and Gabriel?" Castiel asks him as he returns to the living room alone.
"They're sleeping," Dean informs him. "I don't know if I want to wake him up."
"You guys are welcome to stay here for a while longer," Castiel offers. "I'm sure Chuck won't mind. We can get pizza or something."
Dean nods, grateful to have come here, of all places. "That would be nice," he agrees.
"Did I hear pizza?" Balthazar asks excitedly.
Dean laughs at the boy's enthusiasm as Castiel nods.
"Yep," Castiel replies, quietly as usual.
"Yay!" Balthazar cheers.
"I think it's time for a celebratory flop," Samandriel says.
"Don't-" Michael says, but it's too late.
"Everybody do the flop!" Anna yells, and the two boys fall on their faces as Anna laugh. Michael facepalms as Dean shakes his head, laughing as well. Castiel just raises an eyebrow, never having been given the gift of TomSka.
"Sam and Gabriel are sleeping," Michael reminds them in a very parental tone.
"Sorry," Anna whispers.
"But pizza!" Balthazar says.
Michael rolls his eyes. "Fine, I'll go ask Chuck if I can order pizza. Happy now?"
Balthazar sits up quickly and nods. "Yeah!"
Michael chuckles as he walks away, presumably to find Chuck. Samandriel and Balthazar stand up and claim both couches, leaving Dean and Castiel standing in the doorway of the room.
"So, whatcha wanna do now?" Balthazar asks.
"No clue," Samandriel says.
"I second that," Dean adds.
They all turn to Castiel, who shrugs.
"Stop being so quiet!" Samandriel says.
"It's annoying," Balthazar adds.
"How is my lack of talking annoying?" Castiel asks, appearing genuinely interested in how silence is more annoying that constant talking.
"Because you're too quiet!" Balthazar says.
"Speak!" Samandriel adds.
"Um... Okay?"
"Why is Castiel the new family dog?" Michael asks, apparently just having heard "speak" as he was walking in.
"Because dogs are cool," Balthazar says.
"So why am I the dog?" Castiel asks.
"Because dogs are cool!" Balthazar repeats.
"Okay, but why-"
"Because you're cool, just like dogs," Dean explains.
"But I'm not-"
"Yes, you are!" Dean protests before Castiel can finish.
"Why am I-"
"Stop questioning it!" Dean insists.
"Oh my god, Cas, stop!"
"Stop what?"
Dean facepalms, a common theme of the day. "Never mind."
"Social hierarchy is confusing!" Samandriel complains.
"The words 'social hierarchy' are confusing!" Balthazar whines.
"Have you ever taking a history class in your life?" Michael asks jokingly.
"I took it. I didn't pay attention."
Michael facepalms, once again bringing the theme back. "Wow, Balthazar. Wow."
Balthazar shrugs. "What can I say? I have my priorities, and history is not one of them. Hey, speaking of priorities, what's the word on the pizza?"
"Chuck says 'yes.' When should I call?" Michael asks.
"You're joking, right? You can order pizza, but you haven't ordered pizza? Ugh, I can't believe we're related."
Michael rolls his eyes. "Yeah, me neither."
He pulls out his cell phone and calls someone who appears to be on speed dial. He has the pizza place on speed dial? That's awesome! He orders some pizzas and then hangs up, telling them they have to wait half an hour, much to Balthazar's dismay. When Balthazar starts whining, Dean drags Castiel away from the annoying kid and into the kitchen, where they can be alone.
"What?" Castiel asks.
"What are we what-ing?" Dean asks.
"Why did you drag me out here?"
Dean shrugs. "Balthazar's annoying. You're awesome. Seemed pretty obvious to me."
Castiel blushes, looking at the floor. Dean chuckles and lifts his head back up, but Castiel's eyes stay glued to the floor.
"Come on, let me see your beautiful eyes," Dean pleads.
Castiel looks at him hesitantly, his face a faint red from the attention. Dean leans in to kiss him, and after a moment, he pushes Dean away gently.
"What's wrong?" Dean asks nervously. Does Castiel not like him? Did he change his mind?
"Nothing, it's just..." Castiel pauses as he tries to find the words. "I've never done this before. I kind of want to... Take it slow. If that's okay with you," he adds quickly.
"Of course, Cas," Dean assures him. "I would never make you to do something you aren't comfortable with." That sounded so forced, but he means it completely. He's surprised Castiel even needed to ask. He must get pushed around a lot to think that Dean would make him do anything he doesn't want to.
"Thanks," Castiel mutters, seeming embarrassed that he had to say it.
"No problem," Dean replies. He goes to hug him, but then pauses. "How slow are we taking this? Can I hug you?"
Castiel nods, so Dean embraces him. Castiel buries his head in Dean's shoulder, and Dean just smiles. He's never had to take things slow before. He's usually just in it for the hookups. Now, though, here with Castiel, he doesn't mind. Whatever it takes to get Castiel to stay with him.

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