Chapter 15

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"Hey, what are you two doing here?" Anna asks, seeing Sam and Dean as she enters the room.
"Well, apparently not breaking any bones," Dean says, a slight smile on his face. It's nice to know Sam's nose is still in one piece. Hearing that Sam's concussion was as bad as Chuck said it was didn't make Dean too happy though. Sam had tried to pass it off as just a headache, but Dean's sure he knew it was more than that. Still, he doesn't question it.
"Well, that's good," Anna says. "Are you guys hanging out for a while? Because everything's too quiet without Lucifer. We need noise."
"Sam doesn't need noise," Dean protests. "He's got a concussion."
Anna frowns sympathetically. "Aw, are you okay?"
"I'll live," Sam replies with a dismissive shrug. His head is no longer buried in his hands, but he still doesn't look too good. Fortunately, his nose stopped bleeding, so he got that cleaned up and looks less like a failed Halloween mask.
"Hey, where's Castiel?" Anna asks suddenly. "I figured he'd be out here since Lucifer's gone for the day."
"Homework," Gabriel tells her.
"He told me in fourth block that he didn't have homework," Anna says.
"Weird," Gabriel remarks.
"Hey, I'm gonna go bug him til he joins us. Be right back!"
Anna walks down the hall, and the three other boys are silent to hear their conversation. Anna knocks on a door.
"Yes?" Castiel says.
"Can I come in?" Anna asks.
There's silence for a few seconds, then there's a click of a lock and the squeaking of old hinges.
"Hi," Castiel greets her, sounding withdrawn.
"Hey, Castiel!" Anna says energetically. "Come join the group!"
"I have homework," he mutters.
"I thought you said you didn't!"
Castiel's silent for a moment. Then, in his quiet voice, he says, "I... Uh... Forgot about it. But I have it. And I have to do it. So..."
Anna chuckles. "You are the worst liar ever. Come on, come join us!"
"I'd rather not," he protests.
"Too bad. Let's go."
"No, Anna, I-okay then."
Anna drags Castiel out by the arm and into the view of their friends. Cas looks down at the floor, clearly not wanting to be there. Anna looks proud that she managed to drag him out.
"Hey, Cas, nice of you to join us," Dean says.
Castiel doesn't say anything.
"So, what should we do now?" Gabriel asks, when it becomes clear nothing is going to happen on its own.
"We could bring Balthazar and Samandriel out," Anna suggests.
"Yeah, why not?" Gabriel agrees. "I think they're both in my room, so I'll steal them."
"And I'll go find Michael, because if we dragged Castiel here, we might as well bring him, too. I'll be back."
"Wh-where's the bathroom?" Sam asks.
"Follow me," Gabriel offers, and the three of them all go away, leaving Dean and Castiel alone.
"So..." Dean says when they're alone, trying to break the silence that has been awkward since it began. "How are you?"
Castiel shrugs.
"Are you going to talk to me?"
Castiel shrugs again.
"Cas, what's going on, man?" Dean asks. Castiel doesn't say anything, so Dean walks up to him into he's standing right in front of the boy, where he can't be ignored. "Cas, look at me." When the boy doesn't, Dean pushes his chin up towards Dean gently, and Castiel has no choice but to look at Dean. "Hey, what's wrong?"
Castiel shakes his head, biting his lip as if trying to will himself not to say anything.
"What did I do?" Dean asks, unable to keep the sadness from his voice. He doesn't know why he's so hung up on this mysterious blue-eyed boy, but he can't stand the idea that he might get away. Dean isn't sure what to make of that, but he knows he can't stop it.
Castiel just shakes his head again, then looks back at the floor.
"Hey, Cas," Dean says, lifting Castiel's head up again. Cas meets his eyes hesitantly, and they just look at each other for a few moments, captivated by each other.
"Dean, I..." Cas whispers, unable to find the words he's looking for. Looking at Dean, he can't speak. He can't think. All he wants is Dean.
Neither of them know who started it, but they suddenly find themselves kissing, slowly as if they'll break if they aren't careful. Dean runs his hand through Castiel's hair. Castiel wraps his arms around Dean, the kiss becoming more passionate until...
"I don't know if this is cute or disgusting."
They break part quickly, embarrassed. They see Gabriel standing in the hallway, looking at them curiously. Castiel's face heats up, and he looks at the floor. Dean scratches his neck awkwardly, not sure what to do.
"I was gone for one minute." He shakes his head in mock disappointment. "Alright, I've got to find Balthazar and Samandriel. You two get back to what you were doing." He winks at them knowingly and walks down a different hallway, disappearing from their view.
Dean and Cas stand together awkwardly for a moment. Surprisingly, it's Castiel that speaks first.
"I'm sorry," he mutters. "I shouldn't have-"
"Stop doing that," Dean interrupts.
"Stop doing what?"
"That!" Dean repeats, then specifies, "Stop assuming the worst of everything. You don't need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong, Cas, okay? What just happened... That was on both of us." He gives Castiel a grin when he adds, "And I wouldn't take it back even if I could."
Castiel looks up from his feet in surprise. "Really?"
"Yep. Guess I'm not as straight as I thought," he jokes.
Castiel returns his smile this time. "I'm honored to be the one to show you that." Is a more nervous tone, he asks, "So where do we stand now?"
Dean isn't sure how to answer that. He doesn't date. He hooks up with girls and tosses them to the curb. This is different, though. It isn't because he's a guy, though that's a big change from his usual flings, but something about Cas makes him want to keep the boy around. He actually likes Castiel. It's not about looks or experience like what Dean usually looks for in a girl. Dean just likes Castiel for being Castiel.
Finally, Dean says, "I guess it's up to you. Castiel, would you like to be my first ever boyfriend?"
"Of course I would!" Castiel says, beaming.
Dean knows he just looks happy, but inside, he's relieved. He's never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Usually, girls ask him and he gets to turn them down. He's never had to deal with the nerves of asking someone out, because he still wasn't sure that Cas didn't think that was a mistake. Apparently he didn't, and Dean couldn't be happier.

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