Chapter 25

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Dean drives Castiel to his house after school. Sam has already told him that he won't be there, so while Dean is nervous about having Sam and Lucifer together again, he's glad he gets to be alone with Castiel. He's more fun when they're away from everyone else, when Castiel isn't pressured into silence.
Dean leads Castiel into their cheap apartment, which Castiel has already been to many times. He's been coming with Gabriel after school everyday since they started dating. Still, Dean has to invite him to sit on the couch and to take off his trench coat, because Castiel still isn't comfortable with it.
"So, what should we do today?" Dean asks him once they're sitting on the couch eating apple pie.
Castiel shrugs. "I don't know."
"Well, you're helpful," Dean says sarcastically. "We could... Um... Yeah, I've got nothing either," he admits.
Castiel and Dean finish their pie in silence. While Castiel doesn't mind it, he's sure Dean is looking for something to say. When they both finish their pie, Dean throws their paper plates away and rejoins his boyfriend on the couch. The silence is broken a few minutes later by Dean.
"I've got to say, sitting quietly on a couch was not very high on my to do list today."
Castiel chuckles. "That implies that it was somewhere on your list, though."
Dean gives him a flirtatious grin as he says, "It's with you, so of course it was."
Castiel blushes, looking at the floor in embarrassment. Dean gently lifts Castiel's face up towards his, brushing his cheek sweetly.
"Really, Cas. Every moment I spend with you is perfect."
Dean leans in to kiss him, but pauses, remembering Castiel's request to take it slow. Castiel wants to tell him it's okay, but he stops himself. As much as he wants to make Dean happy, he isn't sure he's ready for that yet. Instead, he snuggles up to Dean, his head resting on his chest and looking up at him affectionately. Dean grins and wraps his arms around his Cas, enjoying every moment they spend together.
"Dean?" Castiel says finally.
"Hm?" is the response.
"How do you do it?"
"Do what?"
"How are you so perfect?" Castiel asks.
Dean chuckles softly, and Castiel can feel it from his chest.
"I must have learned it from you."
Castiel smiles, snuggling closer to him. Dean is a keeper. That as adorable on his part. Castiel can almost hear Charlie fangirling all the way over here.
Castiel gazes into Dean's eyes. They're perfect. It's not the awkward color some people have where you can't really decide what color it is, but they're just sort of there. No, Dean's are a beautiful green color, and Castiel finds himself thinking about how lucky he is to be able to stare into them.
"Have I ever thanked you?" Castiel asks him.
"For what?"
"For being you," Castiel answers in the least cheesy way possible. "I really like being with you, in a way I never have with anyone."
"Right back at you, beautiful," Dean replies.
He leans down to kiss Castiel's forehead. Castiel turns his face up at the last second, and Dean's lips end up touching his, instead. Dean's surprised, but Castiel doesn't give him time to pull away before he kisses the other boy. Dean kisses him back, a smile on his lips. Castiel sits up so he's more comfortable, but that only gives him a moment before Dean is kissing him again.
That's how they stay for a while. They just sit together, absorbed in each other's eyes. Their kiss is slow and calm, full of love and not lust. It's exactly as they wanted it to be, and so much more.

Dean and Castiel fall asleep leaning against each other on the couch. It's a surprisingly comfortable position for sharing a couch with someone. By morning, Dean is using the arm of the couch as a headrest, with Castiel leaving against his side. They  seem to fit perfectly there, like two pieces of a puzzle that neither of them realized they were missing. Throughout the night, Dean's arm never leaves Castiel's shoulders, as if protecting him from any nightmares that might try to find him. It doesn't matter, though. They're both far too happy to dream of anything unpleasant.
Suddenly, the door opens, waking the two of them. Neither of them bother to look at who it is. Sam had texted Dean much earlier, telling them that he was staying with Gabriel for the night. It's probably just him coming home finally.
"Dean?" a low voice says. It's definitely not Sam. Both boys immediately sit up, eyes open and on the intruder. Though Castiel doesn't recognize him, Dean does, and he's nervous.
"Dad, you're home early," Dean observes. He wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow!
"Yes, I am," he agrees. "Not that you seem thrilled about it. Who's that?" He gestures to Castiel, but he clearly means the question for Dean to answer.
"Um, Dad, this is Castiel. Cas, that's my dad."
John looks at their close proximity on the couch. "You two dating?"
Not wanting to lie to his dad, because that never ends well, Dean manages a small nod. "Yes, sir."
John just watches them for a second silently. Dean waits for the explosion. He waits for John to tell him to stop having boys sleep over behind his back. He waits for John to tell him that being gay is wrong, and to tell Dean to change. He waits for John to tell him the worst of all; that he needs to leave Castiel.
Finally, John shrugs. "Alright. Seems nice enough. Just know that I've got a truck full of guns, so you better not do anything stupid, okay, kid?"
Castiel's eyes go wide and he nods quickly, his nerves clear. John just smiles and excuses himself, walking away, likely to take a shower.
"Don't worry, he won't really shoot you," Dean assures him. Granted, knowing John, shooting someone isn't that unlikely. Had he not had to worry about jail, he might have had a lot of blood on his hands already. The odds of him shooting someone for Dean, on the other hand, are incredibly unlikely.
"Good to know," Castiel mutters, still shaken by the encounter.
"Sorry about that," Dean adds. "My dad can be a bit intimidating. If I knew he was coming back early, I would have warned you."
Castiel just nods in recognition. He was not ready to meet his dad. He's still recovering from meeting his friends. That was not how he was expecting this to go down. Any of it, actually. He's honestly sort of scared right now. Intimidating was definitely the wrong word to describe that man.
"Alright, come here," Dean says, wrapping his arms around Castiel. Castiel leans into him, almost sitting in his lap but not quite. Any nerves he felt slowly slip away in the protection of his boyfriend. Dean kisses his forehead, and Castiel smiles. How did he get to be this lucky?

That Destiel/Sabriel High School Fanfic. No, the Other One.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum