Chapter 30

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Anna finds herself watching Castiel and Dean throughout dinner. It sounds like a creepy stalker thing, but it isn't supposed to be. She's just amazed at the boy she sees, who's incredibly different than the boy she knows at home. At first, there are a lot of nervous glances at her table, because Castel obviously isn't comfortable being near anyone else he knows. Eventually, though, Dean gets him to stop, and they spend the night talking and laughing.
Anna never gets Castiel to talk like that. Although she can't hear it, she can see his lips moving as he talks passionately or cracks jokes. Even Anna, who used to be the closest thing he had to a friend, never got him to talk like this. He just seems so... Happy.
Dean's been good to him. It's clear just watching them that Castiel is completely head-over-heels in love with him. He's the only one that can make Castiel talk like this so effortlessly. It's great to see, really. It's amazing watching he brother look so comfortable. He's never like this.

A/N I'm too lazy to think of something for them to do the next day, so I'm just gonna skip Sunday and go right into Monday at lunch.

Dean and Castiel walk down to lunch together. Dean talks to him the whole way, but Castiel doesn't bother responding. He's too quiet to be heard over the sound of the other students anyway. They sit down in the cafeteria with Charlie and Kevin, per usual. They smile as the two boys sit down.
"Hey, guys!" Charlie greets them energetically.
"Hey, Charlie!" Dean replies with a grin.
"Hi," Castiel says before turning into his quiet self.
The other three chat for a few minutes, fortunately without Charlie bugging him to talk. Castiel still isn't too fond of being social. Suddenly, Lucifer walks by them. Castiel expects him to keep walking, but he stands next to Castiel in his overly intimidating fashion. It immediately silences whatever conversation had been occurring between the other three.
"Hey, Castiel," Lucifer greets him with a smirk.
"Hi," Castiel replies quietly. What's he doing here? He wasn't supposed to bother Castiel at school anymore.
"How are you?" Lucifer asks, though clearly not caring.
Castiel just shrugs.
"Are you enjoying life and stuff right now?"
Castiel shrugs again.
"Oh my god, Castiel, just freaking talk!" Lucifer says, exasperated.
"About...?" Castiel replies quietly, just to please his brother.
"I don't know. Just talk!"
Castiel is silent as he thinks of something to say. Finally, he settles with, "What are you doing here?"
"I saw you not talking and I came to tell you to talk or I'll make you talk," Lucifer replies in a surprisingly non-threatening tone.
"We like, just went over this. Get with the program."
"No, why are you telling me to?" Castiel asks. "I thought you couldn't bother with the little people." He says the last part more accusatively than intended.
Lucifer frowns when he says that, but hides his emotion quickly. "They think I'm messing with you," he admits.
Castiel doesn't bother responding. There's really nothing to say to that. Lucifer already knows how much he hates Lucifer's supposed friends. Castiel made the mistake of telling him earlier.
"You know I don't take people under my wing, Castiel," Lucifer says in a low voice. "I advise you to make the best of it."
"I never asked you to," Castiel reminds him.
"I don't care," Lucifer says. "Seriously, Castiel. Talk to people. I know you can." With that, he walks away, strutting across the room as if it were his runway.
"What was that about?" Kevin asks, eyeing the boy as he leaves.
"Lucifer's been telling me to be more social," Castiel informs them in his quiet voice, though only because it's painfully obvious. He would have liked to keep that between just them.
"You should be!" Charlie says excitedly.
"It doesn't look like I have much of a choice," Castiel replies.
"You sound like you don't want to talk to us," Charlie observes. "Do you not want to talk to us?"
"I don't really like talking," Castiel replies with a shrug. "Obviously. It's nothing personal."
"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but Lucifer's right," Dean says. "Talk to people!"
Castiel frowns. "You're not supposed to take his side."
"Well, I did," Dean replies. "Don't worry, it'll never happen again."
"So, Castiel, what do you want to talk about now that you're being forced to talk to us?" Kevin asks him.
Castiel shrugs.
"That's not talking," Kevin says.
"That's true."
"Okay, so what do you want to talk about?"
Castiel shrugs again. When Kevin opens his mouth to say that it's still not talking, Castiel decides to add to it.
"A shrug generally means 'I don't know.'"
"Well, then, figure it out," Charlie says.
Castiel sighs and attempts to think about something to talk about. "Um..." He thinks for so long, Kevin decides to step in again.
"Okay, let's try it this way. What do you like to do?"
Castiel shrugs. Then, remembering how they don't generally accept that now, he says, "I don't know."
"You don't know what you like to do?" Kevin repeats.
"I don't do much," he admits.
"Okay..." Kevin says, attempting to think of a new question.
"What fandoms are you in?" Charlie asks him.
Castiel tilts his head in confusion. "Fandom?"
"You know, what are you a fan of?" Charlie explains. "Do you like Divergent, Harry Potter, Dr. Who, Sherlock...?"
"I watch Sherlock," Castiel replies.
Charlie grins. "Perfect! Okay, who's your favorite character?"
"Why Sherlock? I mean, I love him, too, but you can't just pick him because he's the main character."
Castiel shrugs, forgetting momentarily that it's not an acceptable answer. He looks through his mind palace for a reason to pick Sherlock, but he keeps returning to the fact that Sherlock is just plain awesome. 
"I swear to god, Castiel, if you say it's because you're both sociopaths..." she says, though it's more amused than threatening.
"Well, there goes my reason," he says in what he hopes is a joking way. Seeing Charlie's smile, he decides he's right.
"Really, though," Charlie says. "Why Sherlock?"
"Because he's a role model," Castiel answers finally. "My goal in life is to be Sherlock. He's super smart and notices everything. Plus, he came back from the dead. I wish I could come back from the dead!"
Charlie laughs at the last part. "But that requires almost dying," she reminds him.
"I'd Molotov the devil to come back to life, it's that cool," Castiel replies with a grin.
"That's a bit excessive, don't ya think?" Charlie says, but she's laughing.
"What? No way."
"Well, I'm gonna one up you on that," Charlie decides. "I'd let pre biblical creatures eat me and dump my body in the bathtub to come back to life." A/N And she will come back! I hope.
"Okay, I'll..." Castiel thinks for a moment. "I'd eat all the souls in Purgatory, including those pre biblical creatures, and become pseudo God and then explode to come back to life."
Kevin joins in. "Yeah, well I'd let an angel kill me because I'm friends with their enemies to come back to life."
Dean contributes next. "Well, I'd choke on a pig 'n a poke."
Everyone laughs at that.
"What even is a pig 'n a poke?" Castiel asks.
Dean shrugs. "I don't know, but I would do it anyway!"

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