Chapter 14

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"Sit down," Dean instructs his brother when they get back to their apartment.
Sam does as he's told, slumping forward and clutching his head. The blood from his nose drips on the bed, and Dean quickly grabs him some tissues. He pulls a few ice cubes from the freezer and throws them in a bag to use as an ice pack. He gives them both to Sam.
"Thanks," Sam mutters, pinching his nose with the tissue. He holds the ice to his forehead, the bottom of the bag resting on his nose. He doesn't changing his position. He squeezes his eyes shut, blocking out the light.
Dean hates seeing his brother like this. He can't stand looking at Sam with a bruise, never mind a possible concussion and a bloody nose that may be broken. Dean just looks at him, unsure of what to do now. He can't just watch his brother when he's in this much pain.
"Want me to find the Advil?" Dean offers.
Dean digs through their suitcases, finding it in the last one he looks in. He pulls it out, thankful they brought it.
"One or two?" He knows Sam can have two pills, but it's something John has always asked, ever since they fit the requirements for two pills. No need to waste them on something minor, he always told them.
"Three?" Sam suggests.
"Two it is," Dean replies, and hands his brother the two pills and a glass of water. Sam downs them easily. "Is there anything else I can do or you?"
"No, I'm just gonna... Go to sleep," Sam says, lying down on the bed. "Wake me up when Gabriel texts me. My phone's in the top pocket. Probably on vibrate."
Dean nods. "Got it." He grabs Sam's phone from the smallest pocket in his backpack. Dean wants to turn the volume up so he'll hear when Gabriel texts him, but he doesn't want to wake Sam up if someone else does. Instead, he sits down at the table facing his brother, the phone in his hand. Sam doesn't notice because his eyes are closed, but Dean watches him as he tries to fall asleep. He hopes Sam will go to sleep. It's still pretty early, and Dean is sure the pain he feels is barely tolerable. Still, by some miracle, he does slip out of consciousness, and he doesn't notice when his phone vibrates. It's a text from Gabriel.
Chuck wil b @ my house soon feel free 2 com now
Gabriel adds his address to the text.
Dean looks over at Sam, sleeping peacefully. He doesn't want to wake the kid up, but he can't not go see Gabriel and Chuck. Dean sighs and picks Sam up. Sam murmurs something in his sleep, but doesn't wake up. Dean smiles to himself and brings Sam out to the car, making sure Sam is buckled and safe when he's seated. Dean returns to his seat as driver and heads over to Gabriel's house.
"Sam," he says softly, shaking his brother. "We're here."
Sam groans at being woken and opens his eyes. "I thought you were going to wake me up when Gabriel texted me."
"I was, but I figured I'd let you sleep. Okay, come on, let's go."
Dean watches Sam carefully as he walks to the door. He claimed he didn't need help, but Dean wants to be sure he's not just trying to look better than he is. If Sam needs help, Dean wants to be able to give it to him, whether Sam asks for it or not.
Dean reaches for the doorbell, but the door opens before he presses it. Gabriel is waiting in the doorway, looking like he's about to burst from excitement. He gives the brothers a big grin.
"Hi!" Gabriel says.
"Hi," Sam replies quietly. It's clear by his voice that he's miserable.
"Hey, Gabriel," Dean greets him. "Is Chuck here yet?"
Gabriel shakes his head. "No, but he will be any second. Here, have a seat." Gabriel leads them to a couch, and Sam sits down, holding his head with his hands. Both Dean and Gabriel watch him, concerned. "How you feeling?" Gabriel asks.
"Like I got hit in the face by a small kickball."
"Not surprised," Gabriel says.
"Gabriel, who's-oh."
Dean looks up immediately at the sound of Castiel's voice as he steps into view. He's no longer wearing his trench coat, probably because it's too warm inside. His hair is messed up, but in a cute way. Dean can tell he's been lying down.
"Hey, Cas!" Dean greets him, hoping the boy has moved past whatever was bugging him earlier.
Dean frowns. Clearly, he doesn't want to chat. He isn't excited to see Dean. If anything, he seems upset that they're there. Castiel looks over at Sam after looking at Dean with an expression he couldn't read.
"Mm-hmm," he confirms.
"What are you...?"
"Don't ask," Sam says.
Castiel watches his obvious discomfort for a moment before shrugging. "Feel better," he says before turning around to go back to the room he came from.
"Leaving already?" Dean observes.
"Homework," Castiel mutters, quickly scurrying back to his room.
"Thought you two were friends," Gabriel says, making it sort of a statement and sort of a question.
"So did I," Dean says, watching the boy leave.
The front door opens, and a man walks in, holding a large pile of envelopes he must have gotten from the mailbox. He reads the one on top as he enters the house.
"Michael, you got a letter from Harvard!" he calls, then looks up and sees the Winchesters. "Oh, I didn't realize we had company. I'm Chuck." He plops the mail down on the table carelessly.
"Dean Winchester," he replies, then gestures to the boy on the couch. "That's my brother Sam."
"Hi, boys," Chuck says, then looks down at Sam. "Sam, you okay?"
"That's why I made them come over here," Gabriel says. He proceeds to explain the situation, leaving out the fact that it was Lucifer that threw the ball. "So, I know you've been doctoring all day, but can you check him out?"
Chuck shrugs. "Sure, why not." He approaches Sam and crouches in front of him, asking him some questions. After a few minutes, he says, "Must have been one hell of a thrower, because you've got a concussion. Actually, you're handling it really well. I've seen a lot of concussions in my time, and people usually don't handle them this well-at least, not when they're that bad. Your nose is going to be pretty bruised as well, but it isn't broken, fortunately. Want some Advil? Ice? Something to drink?"
"No, thank you," Sam says.
Chuck shrugs. "Alright. If you need anything, make Gabriel get it for you." He gives Gabriel a teasing smile, who replies by sticking his tongue out. Chuck laughs. "Alright, I'm going to go work on my book. You guys have fun. Don't do anything stupid," he adds to Sam.
"You're writing a book?" Dean repeats, impressed.
"Yep. It's called Supernatural. It's going to be a series. Still haven't found anyone that wants to publish it, though."
"You'll find someone soon," Dean assures him.
"I hope so," Chuck agrees before leaving the three of them alone.

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