Chapter 8

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Castiel and Dean talk throughout the entire class as if they had been friends for years, but as soon as the bell rings, Castiel leaves him in the dust. It upsets Dean a bit, actually. He may not be begging to spend his lunch with Cas, but he'd like to be the one that makes the decision. Dean heads out of the room, looking for either Charlie and Kevin or Anna. They're the only people he's really spoken to, so if he's stuck for all of lunch with someone, he'd like it to be someone he knows is pretty cool.
His eyes land on Sam, who's talking to another boy that looks about his age. Dean can't help but applaud him mentally. Sam's never been the most social, so he's glad to see Sam fitting in so well. Sam and the kid he's with sit down at an empty table, and Dean looks away from them to look for his friends.
"Dean! Dean!"
Dean turns to the source of the noise and sees Charlie jumping up and down, waving her arms, while Kevin sits next to her, looking really tired of it while still showing some love for his friend. Dean walks over to them, a grin on his face. He doesn't mind hanging with them; they're probably his favorite people from the school so far.
"Hi, Dean!" Anna says as she passes him.
"Hey," he replies before sitting with Charlie and Kevin. "Glad to see I'm not completely alone here," he jokes with his new friends.
"Seems like you've got more friends," Charlie observes. "You and Anna?" she clarifies, seeing his confused look. "You know, the girl that just said 'hi' to you?"
"Yeah, I know who Anna is," he replies. "I met her this morning, and I haven't seen her since. She seemed cool though."
"Anna?" Charlie says, as if she can't believe he's talking this way about her. "You mean Lucifer's sister? You really think Lucifer's sister is cool?"
"That's Lucifer's sister?" He supposed it makes sense. He did mention his sister Anna, but it's strange to think that's the person he heard Lucifer speak of, and the girl from Castiel's stories about Gabriel's pranks.
"Yeah, you didn't know?"
"She didn't really get around to mentioning her family," he says. "Doesn't make me think she's any worse, though."
Charlie nods slowly. "Right, forgot you and Lucifer were so close." She says it likes it's a horrible thing.
"Woah, chill, geez," he mutters. "We aren't close. Hell, if I get him alone, I'll smash his skull in. I just don't judge people by their family. Probably a good thing, too. Lucifer doesn't seem anything like Michael or Cas."
"Cas?" Kevin repeats, amused. "You're using nicknames now?"
"Yeah, he said as long as I didn't call him 'Cassie,' he was fine with it."
"He said that?" Kevin repeats, amazed. "Castiel doesn't say anything to anyone! Hell, he barely talks to his family, never mind the new kid in class! He won't even talk to Charlie and me, and we're at his level of unpopular."
"Yeah, well, I kind of bugged him too much and he wasn't too thrilled at first, but he warmed up to me."
"You should invite him to sit with us!" Charlie says, excited.
"I doubt he'd want to leave his friends," Dean protests.
"Um... Dean?" Kevin says hesitantly.
"Castiel doesn't have friends. See?" He gestures to Cas with his head subtly. 
Dean looks over to see him sitting all alone at the corner of his table, which is almost entirely empty. He's reading his book, looking content. Coincidentally, it's the one Sam is sitting at, with two other guys and Anna with him. They don't talk to Castiel, but he notices Anna glancing over at him.
"Come on, go ask him to sit here!" Charlie says enthusiastically.
Dean shrugs, not wanting to say "no" to Charlie. She's just too sweet to risk making her upset. He walks over to Castiel.
"Hey, Cas," Dean greets him.
Castiel's head shoots up in surprise. "Uh... Hi, Dean."
"I noticed you sitting all alone, so I was wondering if you wanted to sit with us?"
"Us?" he repeats. He's almost as quiet as he had been when Dean first spoke to him.
"Me, Charlie, and Kevin," Dean clarifies.
"Um... Okay," he says quietly. He grabs his stuff and gets up to follow Dean.
"Dean!" Sam says when he notices his brother.
"Hey, Sammy. Having fun?"
He nods. "Yeah! Oh, this is Samandriel, Gabriel, and Anna."
"Hey," Dean greets them.
"Are you stealing Castiel?" Anna asks, a big smile on her lips.
"Yes I am," he replies.
"Have fun doing whatever it is you two feel like doing!" Anna says.
"See you after school!" Sam says to his brother, beaming. Dean can't help but smile, too, seeing his brother so happy.
"Yep," Dean replies. "You better have some awesome stories to tell me!"
Dean turns to leave, and Cas follows. When Gabriel shouts, "Don't break my brother!" Dean glances back, and Anna mouths "Thank you" to him. He just nods as a response before leading Castiel to his lunch table, where Charlie and Kevin wait. Dean sits down, and Castiel sits next to him, but still keeping a fairly big distance between himself and his potential friend.
"Hi, Castiel!" Charlie greets him enthusiastically.
"Hi," he mutters, not meeting her eyes.
"I'm Charlie," she introduces herself.
"And I'm Kevin," he adds.
When Cas doesn't answer, Dean says, "You've got to say something. Don't leave us hanging!"
"What should I say?" he asks.
Dean shrugs. "If you just say what I tell you to say, you're not really talking, are you?"
"Technically, I would be," Castiel says.
"He's right," Kevin adds. "By definition, he would still be talking."
"Only you would know the definition of talking," Charlie laughs.
Kevin shrugs. "Hey, you gotta be prepared. You never know what's going to be on the SATs."
"They're not going to ask what 'talking' means. They're going to ask what something like legitimate means."
"Everyone knows what legitimate means," Dean says. "Even I know what legitimate means."
"But you also know what talking means," Charlie counters. "So which is more likely, legitimate or talking?"
"Ah, true," Dean agrees.
"Are you not eating?" Kevin asks, noticing Dean's lack of food.
"Anna told me not to trust school food, so I figure I'll drag Sammy to the store and buy some pie after school," Dean says.
"Speaking of Sam, was that Sam over there?" Charlie asks, pointing at the table Castiel had been sitting at.
"I'm surprised he's sitting with them," Charlie says.
"Why?" Dean asks. If she says Sam isn't cool enough, he's going to be pissed.
"It's a very exclusive group," Kevin says. "It's like the royal family. You've got to be born into it."
"No, but it usually just the thr-four of them," Kevin replies with a glance at Castiel. He's not really included in the group, but clearly Kevin didn't want to make him feel bad. "And Balthazar," Castiel adds.
Both Kevin and Charlie look over at the table, and they seem to just realize that Balthazar isn't there.
"Yeah, where is he?" Charlie asks, looking excited that Castiel spoke. Well, more excited than usual, because she seems to always be excited.
Castiel just shrugs.
"Where's Michael?" Dean asks, noticing the other brother that isn't there.
Castiel shrugs again.
"I don't think Michael usually sits over there," Kevin says. "And neither does Lucifer."
"Yeah, he's over there," Charlie adds, gesturing with her head to where he is.
Sure enough, he's sitting at a table of people Dean doesn't recognize, but he can tell by their saggy pants that they're wannabe thugs. Unlike Lucifer, who just naturally carries the vibe, they try too hard, and they come across as idiots. Kevin and Charlie quickly look away, but Dean does it leisurely, not caring what Lucifer thinks about him. Unlike them, he doesn't mind Lucifer hating him. He's not afraid of him. He could take on Lucifer with one hand tied behind his back.

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