Chapter 9

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Sam and Samandriel walk to lunch together, chatting how the teachers at the school don't even deserve to be called teachers. As long as you don't scream, you can basically do whatever you want. The good kids read their book and do packets, but most people just talk throughout the entire class and Google answers for homework. Apparently, it's how almost every class except for the AP classes work, where you actually have to do your work. It's great, except that you never actually learn anything.
Sam and Samandriel sit down at an empty table together, so they're facing each other. Samandriel opens his lunchbox and tosses Sam a bag of Skittles and half a sandwich.
"I hope you don't mind, but my brothers and sister will probably be sitting here, too," Samandriel tells him.
"All of them?" Sam asks, remembering how large their family is.
"No, just Gabriel, Balthazar, and Anna," Samandriel says. "And Castiel, but he doesn't say much. Or anything. He's not really part of the group, but he sits at the table anyway. Just in case you're wondering why he doesn't say anything. It's nothing personal."
"That's fine," Sam says, glad Lucifer won't be there. He doesn't really like Lucifer, not that he's really met him, but from what he's seen, he's decided Lucifer isn't his type of person.
Gabriel slides in next to Sam, grinning. "Hey, Samster!"
"Hi, Gabe," he says, glad his other friend is here.
"How are you liking this school?" Gabriel asks, pulling out a bag of Skittles. Unlike Samandriel's small bag that you'd get trick or treating, his is the type you reseal when you're done because you can't eat it all at once.
"It feels more like a summer camp," Sam says. "Or at least what I'd imagine it feeling like." John never let him and Dean go to summer camps, but they wouldn't have wanted to, anyway. "We don't do anything."
Gabriel nods. "Yeah, it's great!"
A red haired girl sits down next to Samandriel. "Hi!" she greets the new arrival at her table.
"Hi, I'm Sam," he introduces himself. A week ago, he never would have introduced himself to someone he didn't know. It's amazing what can happen in a day. "I'm assuming you're Anna?"
She nods. "And I'm assuming you're Dean's brother?"
He nods as well. "Yeah, you know Dean?"
"I met him this morning. He seems like a cool guy."
"He seems to think so," Sam jokes. Sam tends to agree with him. Dean's the definition of cool to him.
"And smart, too," Anna adds. "He's in a class with Kevin Tran, Charlie Bradbury, and our brother Michael. That takes some brains."
Sam raises an eyebrow skeptically. Dean may be cool, but he's far from the next Einstein. "Really, now?"
"Yeah, some computer class."
Sam nods. "Ah, that makes sense. Yeah, Dean's good with computers." He learned how to hack basic things when they were young, just as he learned to disarm basic alarm systems and pick basic locks. He's not an expert, but he's got the basics.
"Clearly," Samandriel says. "You've got to be good to be in a class with any of them, so being with all three is a big accomplishment."
A boy sits down at the end of the table, close enough to hear their conversation while still far enough not to be involved in it. He pulls out a book and begins reading without saying anything.
"Hey, Castiel!" Anna greets him.
"Hi," he mutters.
"That's our brother, Castiel," Samandriel says to Sam.
"Hey, Castiel, say hi to Sam," Gabriel says.
"Hi, Sam," he says quietly.
"Hi, Castiel!" Sam says energetically. His bag of skittles has already gotten to him. John doesn't give them candy, and Dean only lets him have so much when John isn't around. "Whatcha reading?"
Castiel shows him the cover of The Hunger Games silently.
"Oh, I love that movie!" Sam tells him.
"Castiel hasn't seen it," Gabriel tells him.
"I tried to get him to watch it with us last night," Anna says.
"But you told him Lucifer was watching. Of course he wasn't going to watch it when Lucifer was watching."
"Was I just supposed to not tell him Lucifer was watching?" Anna asks.
"Yes!" Gabriel replies as if it's obvious.
"Now he's going to assume Lucifer is always there when you want to do things," Samandriel says. "Nice job, you two. Now we're never going to get to do anything with him."
"Dammit!" Gabriel says as this sinks in. "I really wanted to make him watch Friday the Thirteenth!"
"We don't even have that movie," Anna says. "Hell, I don't even know what it's about."
Gabriel shrugs. "Who cares? It sounds scary!"
"Isn't that the one with... Uh... Chainsaw guy?" Anna asks.
"Freddy Kruger?" Samandriel suggests.
"No, not him. Um..."
"Jason," Sam says finally, when it becomes clear they don't know.
"Yeah, that guy! Is that the movie?"
Sam nods. "Think so. I watched it a while ago, so I don't really know. They all kind of blend together now."
"A while ago being...?" Gabriel asks.
Sam thinks about this. "Uh... Fourth grade? Third?"
"You watched FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH in THIRD GRADE?!" Gabriel repeats incredulously. 
"It's a miracle I survived living with Dean," he laughs. "He never would have let me live it down if I chickened out."
"Sounds like Lucifer," Anna remarks.
"Honestly, I'm beginning to wonder if they're the same person," Gabriel laughs.
"We need to get them together, because they would be best friends."
"They hate each other," Castiel says.
The four of them look over at him.
"Really? Why?" Anna asks.
"How?" Gabriel asks. "When did they even meet each other?"
"My class," Castiel says. "Second block. Not fun."
"What happened?" Anna asks, eager for details.
"Long story," Castiel replies.
Anna frowns. "Then why'd you bring it up?"
"So you didn't try to get them to be friends. Lucifer would send him to the nurse before he got a sentence out."
"I think you underestimate my brother," Sam says. "He could take Lucifer down no problem."
Gabriel chuckles. "Yeah, right. Lucifer would take him down so fast-"
"Down to the office for breaking a student's nose?" Sam interrupts. "Yeah, sounds about right."
"Oh, you mean for having a student break his nose?" Anna says. "Yeah, probably."
"Hey, where's Balthazar?" Samandriel asks randomly.
"He stayed back in class to finish something. Yeah, it's a crazy new world when you're a junior. You sometimes have work to do."
The four of them laugh. So the entire school isn't as easy as his current classes? That's a bit disappointing.
"What's he finishing, anyway?"
"Some essay in French," Gabriel replies.
"Like, for French class or written in French?" Anna asks.
"It was written in French for French class, so both of them."
"He had to write an entire essay in French?" Samandriel says incredulously.
"We've been taking it for four years. It's not that hard."
"Guys," Anna whispers. When we look, she gestures to Castiel, who's talking to none other than Dean Winchester. Castiel grabs his stuff and gets up.
"Dean!" Sam greets his brother.
Sam's glad to see his brother, of course, but he's also confused. Why's Dean hanging with Castiel, the least popular kid at school, according to his own family? Dean never bothers with the lower people. He's way too happy at the top of the social hierarchy to risk losing his position. Which begs the question; why would Dean risk it for Castiel?

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