Chapter 21

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When Sam walks into first block, Gabriel almost has a heart attack. He looks like a mess, but not as much of a mess as one might have expected of a boy with a concussion. Gabriel has been going to his house everyday after school anyway, so he already knew that. Gabriel is just surprised he's there at all. Chuck told him he should stay home, and though Gabriel was bored in class alone, he wanted Sam to listen to Chuck for his own sake. Now that he's here, Gabriel isn't going to complain, though.
"Samwich, you're back!" Gabriel observes happily as Sam sits down next to him.
"That I am," Sam agrees with a grin.
"I thought you were going to be out for a while."
Sam shrugs. "Meh. That's no fun. I figured I'd pop in and say hi, maybe be productive."
"Productivity is overrated!" Gabriel replies. "Join the world of the talking instead."
"I like that idea better," Sam agrees.
"How are you feeling, anyway?" Gabriel asks.
Sam shrugs. "Aces."
"Twos," Gabriel replies.
"Oh, I thought we were just naming cards," Gabriel jokes.
Sam laughs. "No, I don't do cards."
"How 'bout poker?"
Sam shrugs. "Meh. Dean says I suck at it, but I think I do okay."
"Well, now I want to see you play poker!" Gabriel says. "We should. I would beat you so bad!"
"Probably," Sam agrees. "But maybe not. You know what? We should. Let's play poker after school. Actually, I don't have cards at my house, so that would be hard."
"I've got a poker set at home!" Gabriel tells him. "You should come to my house after school! I can beat up ass!"
Sam hesitates. He hasn't been to Gabriel's house since Monday. Gabriel was perfectly content going to his instead, so it didn't bother him. Gabriel knows what Sam is going to say before he says it.
"Will Lucifer be there?"
Gabriel frowns. He had nearly forgotten about what Lucifer did to Sam once they started chatting. Yeah, this could be a it of an issue. Never having Sam over to his house would be annoying, though, so Gabriel decides he'll try to get them to make amends.
"Lucifer likes poker too," Gabriel says. "We should all play together!"
"No, I think I'll pass on that."
Sam shakes his head. "No, sorry."
"Pleeeeeaaaaaase?" Gabriel begs him.
"You can bring it to my house if you want," Sam suggests. "We can play there."
"But I wanna play it at my house!" Gabriel whines.
"I'd rather not."
"Pleeeeaaaaase?" he pleads. "Can you pleeeeaaaaase come to my house? Pretty please? With a cherry Skittle on top?"
Sam laughs at that. "Alright, fine. But I want that Skittle. And Lucifer isn't playing with us. And I can leave anytime if I feel uncomfortable. And-"
"Can't you just write it down and I can sign it when you're down?" Gabriel jokes. "Because this is a long ass contract."
"Hey, I've got my conditions," he defends himself, grinning.
"You've got too many conditions," Gabriel complains.
"I like to have some semblance of control around people who give other people concussions for fun."
"Fine." Under his breath but loud enough he knows Sam will hear, he mutters, "Control freak."
"You're the one making me do this!" Sam reminds him.
"Nobody makes us do anything."
"Damn, that's deep," Sam laughs.
(A/N Just like Luci's blade was inside his little bro hahaha okay sorry that made me sad too) (I should have made a that's what she said joke here)
"I should be a motivational speaker!" Gabriel announces proudly.
"Yeah, because that would turn out great," Sam says sarcastically.
"It would too!" Gabriel retorts. "Watch this." He clears his throat. "Don't let your dreams be dreams! Just do it!"
Sam facepalms. "Seriously? We've already got that speech covered. Way better than how you did it. Come on, Gabe, get with the program!"
"Wait, there's a program?" Gabriel asks in mock terror. "I think I lost the program! Noooooo!"
"What are we going to do?" Sam asks, playing along.
"Run around in circles and panic!"
"Don't actually do that," Sam stops him. "We're in class, remember?"
"Maybe I'll do it just because we're in class."
"Are you sure you don't mean because I told you not to?"
Gabriel chuckles, putting his hands to his heart in exaggerated pride. "Wow, you know me so well."
Sam waits for him to get up and start running around, but he doesn't. From anyone else, it would have seemed like a joke when he said it, but Gabriel is just random enough that he really would do it.
"You're judging me for not running around in circles, aren't you?" Gabriel says, reading the look in Sam's eyes.
"Possibly," Sam admits.
"Fine, I'll run around!"
Sam expects him to stand up, but instead, he turns two of his fingers into legs and makes his hand move in circles in his desk. He looks up at Sam in a self satisfied way.
"See? I do what I say."
Sam just laughs, shaking his head at the strange boy in front of him. This is the reason he wanted to come to school. Dean is great and all, but he can only entertain Sam for so long. Gabriel is different. Sam couldn't have asked for a better friend.

That Destiel/Sabriel High School Fanfic. No, the Other One.Where stories live. Discover now