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Kelsey's POV

"I don't wanna go to history class." Emma groaned, as I was practically dragging her in by her arm to our history classroom. This is Emma; who is also my best friend.

As you could probably tell, she hates history class. She thinks it's pointless leaning about people who are already dead buried 6 feet underground.

"Ugh, come on Emma! It's just an hour, then we have lunch," I rolled my eyes and carried on tugging on her arm. Sometimes, I felt like I was the mother in our relationship; she would act like a child at times and I would have to care for her.

"But an hour is soo long away!" she huffed. All of a sudden, her eyes went wide and a smirk took over her face, raising her eyebrows up and down at me.

"What...?" I asked confused.

"You know, no one will find out if we skip..." She trailed off, looking at me to see my reaction.

My eyes went wide like Emma's did a few seconds ago. "Oh, hell no. We already skipped twice this week!"

Emma will usually pull this stunt, so I'm pretty used to it by now. Although it still gets annoying at times.

"Please, just one more lesson!" She practically begged. I huffed in defeat, if there's one thing I've learned about Emma these past few years is that she doesn't give up on what she wants.

"Fine," I mumbled. She squealed and tugged my arm out of the history classroom, listening as the bell rang, signalling that it was 3rd period.

We finally made it out of the school doors successfully, after secretly looking around every corner, in caution of being caught. When you've had as much practice as we have, it becomes just as easy as turning on a tap.

"I'm hungry, let's go McDonald's," I demanded and walked over to Emma's car with her trailing behind. Her laugh vibrated through my ears, and nodded her head in agreement.


This chapter is just a filler! Dw I won't bore you

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