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Kelsey's POV

My eyes brimmed with fresh tears as the sounds from downstairs grew louder by the second. The screams and shouts that passed my mothers mouth was an instant memory that I tried very hard to forget.

When I was younger, my parents used to always argue over the smallest things; well, that's what I thought. Until I witnessed my father mistreating my mother, and finding out he'd been doing it for years.

Today for some particular reason, my father had turned up at my house. Without any warnings or invitations. And I knew it was him by the slight strain he had in his voice. I had no clue why he was here, nor did I want him anywhere near me or my mother.

I hadn't dared to leave my closed door, as I stood right behind the wooden object. My natural instinct was to rush to my mothers defence, to make sure he doesn't take a swing at her.

But a part of me knew he wouldn't hit her, not after all these years of them being separated. Suddenly a loud bang of a fist connecting with a table echoed around the house, acting as a wake up call for me. I took a deep breathe, and decided to follow my gut; which was to go downstairs and face the music.

I raised myself up slowly, and opened the door once I was fully standing. I knew I had to face him one of these days; there's only a certain amount of texts you can ignore.

The shouting got louder and louder with each step I took, making it seem like I was next to a speaker at a night club. The only difference was the tense atmosphere surrounding the house.

Once I reached the living room, the view of my mother looking angry and upset was standing in my direction, along with the back of the devils head.

He continued to shout unaware of my presence, as my mum had already acknowledged my presence and shut her mouth.

"Kelsey," my mum's small voice called out, keeping eye contact with me. As soon as my name passed her mouth, my 'dad', also known as George, immediately stopped his outrage.

He concentrated on my mums eyes which were trained on me, and slowly followed where they were looking. He turned around, his orbs connecting to mine instantly. A sigh of relief passed his lips, and his cloudy eyes became more vulnerable.

"Kelsey, sweetheart," He gently whispered. He looked somewhat different to the last time I saw him. He now had more grey hair, and his facial wrinkles were stood out more than before; must be from all the smoking he does.

"You look so different, so beautiful," He took a step towards me. The look on his face almost shocked me. It was the same look he used to give me as a child; when I was daddy's little girl.

A slight pang of hurt stabbed my heart, as I took a step away from him. "What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice coming off in a rude manor.

"I came to see my daughter, she hasn't been answering my texts and I was getting worried," He smiled gently, attempting to light up the mood.

"You don't deserve a text from me. In fact, you don't even deserve to be called a father," I spat out, feeling pain behind my words.

His face scrunched from emotions, a look of hurt on his face. I almost felt guilty. His eyes glossed over with what I believed to be tears, as I shut off my emotions so he couldn't get to me.

"Please, don't be like this with me," He mumbled, reaching out his hand to touch me. I immediately reacted and snapped my body further away from the monster.

"Don't you dare touch me! Stay away from me and my mum!" I shouted, holding back the urge to break down.

"But sweetheart-" He began, but I cut him off almost instantly.

"No! You've had nothing to do with us before, so what makes you think things will be different now?" I bit back, not regretting a word.

"Kelsey," My mum warned, as if to say 'don't upset your father'. But I can't let my mum stop me from what I want to say.

"You are my daughter, Kelsey! You have always been a huge part of my life regardless of how much I see you. I helped to create you. You have always been my little angel, no matter how much you hate me for my actions in the past!" He burst out, emotions flying from everywhere.

"You made my mothers life a living hell. My parent! She is the one who raised me, provided me clothes to wear on my back, food for me to eat. She is the one who deserves to be called my parent, which is something you will never have the honour to be!" I screamed, throwing my hands around. "You are just the sperm donor who helped out, you're not my dad and you never will be,"

George's face looked dreadful. He looked as if he'd died and ripped to shreds. The tears escaped his eyes, and I knew I must've hit a weak spot. Even those words hurt me to say.

My mother gasped after my words. "Kelsey, that's not fair on your father," My mum was too kind hearted for her own good. She could be dragged to hell and back and still care for the person who caused her pain.

"No, Sheila. I deserve it." He gulped and looked down. His tears dropped onto his leather jacket, not bothering to wipe it up.

"I can't tell you how sorry I am. I regret everything I put you both through. I wish I could change the past. All I want is my little angel back."

"Then you will be waiting for a while." I crossed my arms across my chest, biting my lip to avoid the tears from streaming down my face.

"I just want to ask of you one thing," He then spoke, after clearing his throat. "I want you to just remember that I do love you, no matter how many times you tell yourself I don't."

I had no energy to speak. It was as if my organs had switched themselves off and I had no way to speak. This time I allowed my dad to take a step forward to me hesitantly, debating whether he should do what he was thinking.

He then must've decided yes, as he slowly placed his hands on either sides of my face, gently pressing his lips against the top of my head. A drop of his tear ran down my hair, making the guilt swallow me whole.

He took a step back, and left my house; just as easy as that. And with the second he left my house, I broke down.

Everything I was holding in I realised. Every moment I thought myself as strong was destroyed. My walls had collapsed on me.

Mum quickly came by my side and comforted me, which was all I needed right now; comfort, and Shawn too. He always made things better.

Hope you liked it! The next chapter will be better, this was just a filler type chapter.

Also, I am meeting the one & only Shawn Mendes in 2 days... 2 days?!?! That's crazy! Wish me luck!

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