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Shawn's PoV

My eyes shot wide open as Jake came into view from the door, looking annoyed and slightly angered. His arms were tensed and crossed over his chest, which honestly made me feel small.

Did he hear the entire conversation? We're fucked if he did. Jake has never been too fond of me, so he wouldn't care less to repeat to anyone what he heard.

"So, care to explain?" He pushed, clenching his jaw warningly when neither me or Sam had the courage to speak. I felt as if I was frozen on the spot, and I was unable to move or speak.

We made a vow to never let anyone know about this, and now Jake overheard the whole conversation about everything? And he seems pretty close with Kelsey at the moment. This won't end well...

I don't know how much it would take for him to keep his mouth closed, but if she finds out it will crush her; I won't be able to cope knowing I hurt her.

Truth is, she was just perfect. Even the thought of loosing her scared the hell out of me. She'd completely changed me, for the good. She made me realise other people had feelings, not just myself.

"Uhh- I don't know w-what you mean," Sam stuttered, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

Jake scoffed. "The innocent act may work with mum and dad, but I'm no fool Sam,"

Sam immediately sighed, knowing that it was true. Sam gave me a look and I let out a shaky breathe and nodded, signalling for Sam to say something.

"Well, it's kind of a long stor-" Sam was cut off short when Jake decided to speak up.

"I've got time," His intimidating voice sent shivers down my spine, and my stomach do summer salts. It scared me to feel so overpowered by him as if he was a strict father.

Sam nodded, watching Jake take a seat on his bed next to the two of us. The bed practically dipped to the floor as the weight of his muscles weighed us down.

"Well- basically... I-I," He gulped and wiped his sweaty palms against his jeans. "A few months ago, I bet Shawn $100 for him to date Kelsey for two months," Sam spoke loud and clear, getting straight to the point.

In this moment, Jake looked slightly taken back at his answer, his eyes trained onto Sam for a few more seconds, until they wondered over to me. His eyes turned into murderous daggers, and I gulped nervously.

"And you agreed to this? What were you even thinking!" Jake raised his voice, standing up from the bed. My body bounced slightly from the impact, as I wished it would've bounced me out of this situation.

"Exactly! I-I wasn't thinking!" I stuttered, glancing up at the angered man stood in front of me. He took in my appearance, with a look of disgust playing on his face. A pain of hurt shattered in my insides as I could imagine Kelsey giving me the same reaction.

"Why, Shawn? She is such a sweet girl," He replied, in a softer tone than before. His eyes travelled through mine for any type of answer.

"I didn't know that before! I thought s-she was just some girl, but now I know she is much more than that. I made a big mistake, okay? But I can't do anything to change that," My voice was laced thick with remorse and sadness, as I gently held my head in my hands.

"Even If she was just 'some girl', you should never treat anyone like that. Any woman should never experience of feeling worthless; like they were some toy that you once used and threw it away after you got bored of it. It's not okay," Jake replied, shaking his head lowly at me.

His words made me tear up a little, making me remember that I was exactly like that; my old self. "I know that now, she made me realise how I used to treat people was wrong. She's changed me for the good, which is why I can't loose her. So please, I'm begging you; don't tell her,"

I raised my head up to him, my chin quivering slightly. He noticed the pain in my eyes and softly sighed, slowly lowering himself down to my level. "I can see how much she means to you, Shawn. But if you avoid the topic all of your life, the guilt will eat you alive. She needs to know, which is why I'm giving you the chance to tell her yourself,"

My eyes caught his, as they held a hint of sincerity. He was right; I will tell her when the time is right. "Thank you, Jake,"

"Don't thank me, thank your girl for making you the person you are right now," He smiled gently. "You've changed a lot since the last time we spoke. That girl is good for you, bro."

"I know she is. I wouldn't want anyone else," I smiled with care in return. A cough echoed in the air, disrupting our moment. Sam was sat on the corner of his bed with a bored expression.

"Are you done with the sloppy shit yet? I wanna play my game," He shrugged carelessly, making me and Jake both chuckle.

I'm not ready to tell her just yet what I did, but in good time I will. Because Jake is right; she deserves to know. whether it hurts her or not, I can't let the guilt take over every time I'm with her.

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