Hey guys!

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Hey everyone, or to the people who still read this book lol. I hope you're all well during this crazy time. It's now 3 weeks into lockdown (in the UK) and I'm feeling really low right now, which I know a lot of others will be too.

The fact that I'm locked inside my house really scares me, the constant feeling on being trapped and isolated has caused so many problems. I've literally barely slept during this whole pandemic, and I'm so tired but everytime I get to sleep I get nightmares. Like real bad nightmares, to the point where I'm scared to sleep.

Not only that, but I feel so awful for those who are effected by covid-19... luckily my family and I are safe and I'm praying everyone else is too! It's taken lives and still continues to on the daily!

Yet people are still disobeying the rules and going to the beach, despite being told to stay at home?! It's so shocking to see what this world has come to, we probably would've been out of lockdown by now if people had listened from the start.

I've took some time to evaluate my life and what I want in life, and it's made me realise how badly I want to start a family. I'm still young, and obviously I would want to wait a few more years but I've just seen how these desperate times, despite everything else going on, it's really brought families together. It's honestly my dream.

My point is, if you're also struggling during this pandemic with anything, please message me! You're not alone, and it's so helpful to be able to talk to someone! I'm always here for anyone who may feel like they need to talk...

And also, I know you've probably heard this a million times but, when you're told to stay at home please listen. It's selfish and it's going to put you at risk, it's for your own benefit and safety! The quicker we listen, the quicker we will be able to return to our normal lives!

I love you all, and remember there's always support if you need it! Thank you for reading, and stay safe! :) x

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